(RadhiAllahu Anhum)


The Lion of Allah and the Lion of His Messenger.

Here, we will be introduced to one of the great men whose mentioning brings life to the hearts.

Who Was He?

He was Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abdul Manaf, a brave leader of men, the lion of Allah and the leader of the martyrs. He was an uncle of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and his foster brother. He became a Muslim and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and the entire Muslims were strengthened by his acceptance of Islam in the sixth year of Prophethood after the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had begun his teaching at the House of Arqam.

His Virtues

On the authority of Jabir bin ‘Abdullah, Allah be pleased with him, who reported that the Prophet ﷺ said: “Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib is the leader of the martyrs.”

On the authority of Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas who said: “Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib was fighting in the Battle of Uhud right in front of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ while he was saying: “I am the Lion of Allah.”‘

The Onset of His Acceptance of Islam 

Abu Jahl remonstrated the Messenger of Allah ﷺ at Safa and attacked him. Hamzah used to be a sharpshooter and a hunter. On his return from his hunting expedition, his wife, who had seen all that Abu Jahl did to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, met him on the way and said to him: “0 Abu Amarat, were you to see what they did (i.e. Abu Jahl) to your nephew!” Hamzah became furious. He headed straight to the Masjid Al-Haram his bow hung on his neck, as he would customarily do, before he entered his house. He found Abu Jahl seated in the assembly of the Quraish. He did not speak until he struck Abu Jahl’s head with his bow, fracturing it.

People rushed to Hamzah restraining him from doing further damage to Abu Jahl. Then he said: “My religion is the religion of Muhammad and I bear witness that he is the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and I will not turn away from it. Let anyone try to stop me if indeed you are truthful.”

When Hamzah accepted Islam, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and the Muslims were strengthened and some of their affairs became firmer. The Quraish for the moment became dim witted because they knew that Hamzah would prevent them (from transgressing against a Muslim).

Hamzah himself related this statement. By a token of His mercy, Allah opened his heart to Islam. He spent the remainder of his life on truth till he became an exemplary figure for all times and places. His Islam began strongly and proved to be a big blow to the Quraish. The new religion became on the path of spreading wide and far as against their hope that it will be impeded in its tracks.

After the passage of time, the Prophet ﷺ and the Muslims migrated to Madinah. There, the Prophet ﷺ continued to solidify the fow1dalion of the nascent Islamic state. It was no more than a little while before the Battle of Badr broke out and Hamzah was the hero of this battle.

Shining Aspects from His Valor

The standard ever raised by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ since his arrival at Madinah was that of Hamzah.

Hamzah killed a great number of the polytheists in Badr. He was adorned with an ostrich plume.

‘Abdur Rahman bin Auf related: “Umayyah bin Khalaf said to me: ‘Who was that person who was marked by the plume of ostrich on his chest at the battle of Badr?’ I said to him: ‘That was Hamzah bin ‘Abdul Muttalib, the uncle of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.’ He said: ‘That was the man who dealt us many blows.”‘

He Fought With Two Swords at the Battle of Uhud

On the authority of Umayr bin Ishaq who said: “HamZah bin ‘Abdul Muttalib was fighting in front of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ with two swords while he was saying: ‘I am the Lion of Allah and the Lion of His Messenger.”‘

In the Battle of Uhud he killed 30+ polytheists before being shot by an arrow by Wahshi bin Harb. Hamzah let out a muffled cry. He looked at the direction from where the spear came and there, he saw Wahshi behind the tree. He made an attempt to reach him so that he may kill the Ethiopian slave who had speared him but had extreme difficulty in moving and then he fell to the ground. He raised his gaze and there was the mountain of Uhud encircling the vast open space. He looked at the horizon of Madinah in the distance as it is overcast. by gloom. He heard the voice of the Muslims resonating on the battlefield like thunder.

Then he remembered the first day in which he announced his Islam. That was the day he had beaten Abu Jahl while he was seated in the assembly of the Quraish when he heard that he had harmed his nephew. He recalled the spectacle of Badr when the leaders of Quraish were felled lifeless like uprooted trees by the stroke of his sword.

 Here he is, departing from this world while a pleasant whisperer whispers in his ears the glad tidings of gardens the size of which is like the heaven and the Earth. His forehead lines spread out and his soul returned to its Lord in peace and Tranquillity.

After the conquest of Makkah, Wahshi accepted Islam and became a very good Muslim.

“Afterwards, when the Muslims went out to fight Musailimah the Liar, I went with them. I took with me the same spear with which I had killed Hamzah. When the armies met, I saw Musailimah standing with his sword in his hand. By Allah I did not recognize him. Just then one Ansari targeted him from another angle. Both of us were prepared for him. When he fell in my full range, I shook my spear till I had full control over it, threw it, and it went into his body. Then the Ansari swooped on him and cut him with his sword. Allah knows where I killed him for I was the one who killed him. I killed the best of people after the Messenger of Allah ﷺ (Hamzah) and now I have killed the worst of people (Musailimah).”

Miracle After His Death

On the authority of Jabir R.A. who said: Mu’awiyah ~’wanted to divert the spring at Uhud but was not able to except over the graves of the martyrs. So he wrote that their bodies be exhumed and be reburied at another location.” Jabir R.A. said: “I saw them being carried on the necks of men as if they were just asleep. An implement cut a part of the leg of Hamzah R.A., and blood oozed out.”


Anyone who is Hostile to Ammar, Allah will be hostile to him

Who Was He?

He was Ammar bin Yasir bin Amir, the great leader, Abu Al-Hawazan Al-Anasi Al-Makki, one of the fore-runners in Islam and one of the distinguished warriors of the Battle of Badr. His mother Sumayyah bint Khubat was the first martyr in Islam.

It is reported that Mujahid said: “The first martyrdom ever to occur in Islam was that of Sumayyah binl Khubat. Abu Jahl pierced her heart with a spear.”

Ammar used to be tortured in Makkah so much that he did not know what he was saying. This was the fate of Suhayb as well. It was regarding them that the following verse was revealed:

And as for those who emigrated for the Cause of Allah, after suffering oppression, We willcertainly give them goodly residence in this world, but indeed the reward of the Hereafter will be greater, if they but knew.” (An-Nahl:41)

His Virtues

Anas narrated that Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said, “Paradise is eager for three people: ‘Ali , Salman and Ammar.” 

It is also reported that ‘Ali said: Ammar once asked permission to come in to see the Prophet ﷺ: “Who is there?” He (the Prophet ﷺ) asked. “Ammar.’ He responded. Then the Prophet ﷺ said, “Welcome to the pleasant good man!”

Amr’ bin Shurahbil reported that Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said: “Ammar is filled with lman(faith) right into his marrow.”

Khalid bin Waleed said: There was some disagreement between me and Ammar bin Yasir and I spoke roughly to him. He went to complain to Allah’s Messenger ﷺ and he said, “He who is hostile to Ammar, Allah will be hostile to him and he who detests Ammar is detested by Allah.”

Torture in the Path of Allah

Amr- bin Maymoon said: “The polytheists tortured Ammar with fire. The Prophet ﷺ would pass by and would pass his hand over his head and he would pray: “0 fire! Be you coolness and safety‘ (Al-Anbiya:69) on Ammar as you were on Ibrahim.”

The Prophet ﷺ once passed by the family of Ammar being tortured and he said to them: “Glad tidings for you, family of Ammar, for your destination is Paradise.”

His Struggles

‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar reported: “I saw Ammar at the Battle of Yamamah stranding on a rock and calling out at the top of his voice: ‘0 Muslims, is it Paradise you running away from? I am Ammar bin Yasir, come to me. I saw his severed ear dangling while he engaged the enemy in a grievous battle.”

Ammar Fought With Men and Jinn

Ammar bin Yasir said: “I fought alongside Allah’s Messenger against men and jinn.” The people present asked astonishingly: “How is that?” “We were with the Prophet ﷺ when we arrived at a place and I took my water jar so as to fetch water. The Prophet ﷺ told me: ‘Someone will come to prevent you from fetching water.’ When I got to the well, I found a very black man standing by the well and he said: ‘By Allah, you will not fetch water here today.’ He seized me and I also pulled him and threw him down. I took a piece of rock and shattered his face and nose. Thereafter, I filled my bucket and headed back to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ who said: ‘Did you meet anyone at the well?’ ‘I said Yes’ and I narrated my encounter at the well to him. ‘Do you know who that was?’ the Prophet ﷺ asked? ‘No,’ I said. ‘That was Shaitan,’ the Prophet ﷺ revealed.

His Martyrdom

Ammar bin Yasir participated in the Battle of Siffeen. He fought on the side of’ Ali bin Abi Ta lib and he was killed in that battle.

Aim bin Al-As narrated that Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said:

“His killer (i.e. Ammar’s killer) will be in the Hellfire.” May Allah be pleased with Ammar.



The Prelate for whom Allah’s Messenger Testified will be in Paradise

Who Was He?

He was ‘Abdullah bin Salam bin Al-Harith, a leader of the rabbis and the one for whom Allah’s Messenger testified Paradise. He was also known as Abu Al-Harith Al-Isra’ili, an ally of Ansar from the eminent Companions of the Prophet.

He accepted Islam at the time of the migration of the Prophet ﷺ and on his arrival (at Madinah).

Ibn Sa’d said: “He is from the descendants of Yusuf bin Ya’qub (peace be upon them both). He was one of the Jewish rabbis.”

‘Abdullah bin Salam narrated: “When the Prophet arrived in Madinah, the people rushed to him and I was among those who rushed to him. When I saw him I immediately knew that his face was not that of a liar. The first thing I heard him say was: ‘0 people, spread the greetings of peace (amongst yourselves), feed the people, join the ties of kinship and stand in prayer in the night, while the (rest of the) people are asleep, you will enter Paradise in peace.“‘

His acceptance

After asking three questions and getting the answers ‘Abdullah said: “I bear witness that you are a Messenger of Allah.” He further said; “0 Allah’s Messenger, the Jews are a slanderous lot. If they come to know of my acceptance of Islam, they will slander me. Invite them and ask them about my status amongst them.” The Prophet ﷺ sent for them. When they came, he asked: “What kind of person is ‘Abdullah bin Salam amongst you?” They responded: “The best of us and the son of the best amongst us. The most knowledgeable and son of the most knowledgeable amongst us.” “Would you then accept Islam if you learn that he had accepted Islam?” The Prophet ﷺ asked. They responded: “We seek refuge of Allah from that!”

Then ‘Abdullah came out and said: “I bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”

Immediately they said: “The worst of us and son of the worst of us. The most ignorant and son of the most ignorant of us.” ‘Abdullah said: “Didn’t I inform you that the Jews are slanderous lots.”

His Virtues

Imam Ahmad reported“A bowl of tharid was brought to the Prophet. He ate out of it and there was some leftover and he said: ‘From this valley will emerge a man from the people of Paradise who will eat this leftover. Then ‘Abdullah bin Salam came and ate it.”‘

Qays bin Ubayd also said: “I was in the Mosque of Madinah when a man came who showed signs of  humbleness. The people present said: ‘This is a man from the people of Paradise.’ He offered two units of prayer and he was brief in offering them. When he went out, I followed him until he entered his apartment and I entered along with him. Then I said to him: ‘When you entered the mosque, they said such and such (about you).’ He responded: ‘Glory be to Allah, it is not fitting for anyone to say about what he has no knowledge of. However, I shall narrate something to you: I saw a dream and I related it to the Prophet. I saw that I was in a green garden. In its middle was a pole, the bottom of which went to the earth and its top towered into the heavens. At its top was a handhold. I was told: Climb it. Then I climbed till I got hold of the hand-hold. I was told: “Hold the handhold tightly.

‘Then I woke up and the hand-hold was in my hand. In the morning, I went to the Allah’s Messenger and narrated it to him and he said: “As for the garden, it is the garden of Islam. The pole is the pole of Islam and the hand-hold is the Most Truthworthy Hand-Hold. You will remain upon Islam till you die.”‘ The narrator added: “The man was ‘Abdullah bin Salam.”

His Humility

‘Abdullah bin Hanzalah narrated: ‘Abdullah was once walking by in the market. On his head was a bunch of firewood. It was said to him: “Haven’t you been enriched by Allah?” He responded, “Yes (it is so) but I want to tame arrogance. I heard Allah’s Messenger say: ‘Whoever has a mustard seed of arrogance will not enter Paradise.”‘

His Death

Adh-Dhahabi, ~, said: “It is agreed upon that’ Abdullah bin Salam died in the year 43 AH. Allah be pleased with him and may he pleased.


  • Do not have to memorise the ayahs or hadeeths word for word and their references, but remember their meanings and the msg being given.

  • The tests in this course are open book tests, so you do not need to memorise things just give it a good read so that you can come back and look for your answers in the test.


There will be an Assignment Question asked in the Test. Marks will be given based on the following: -

  1. Inform a minimum of 15 friends/family about LEARN ISLAM (we have around 30 courses for adults and along with courses for children, all for free and certificates are also given) 5 Marks.

  2. Speak about any 3 Sahaba and the best thing about them with 3 people. 10 Marks

  3. Pray for the Ummah, pray for the ease of all the poor & oppressed Muslims and pray that Allah make us all strong in imaan and give us the hidayah to work for the aakhirah and to help each other. - 1 Mark



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As Salam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh :)


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