L A T E S T C O U R S E (s)
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Explains the 6 pillars of Emaan, factors that weaken or nullify our Emaan and how we can increase & strengthen it.
MOst repeated ayaat
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Discusses the topics that Allah repeated the most in Quran and try to take lessons from it. Allah, Afterlife, Emaan, Salah, Dua, Sabr, Shukr, Sins, Tawbah, etc.
relation with allah
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Helps improve the most important Relation we as Muslims are to maintain. Learn His Names, Rights, Likes & Promises and also best Duas & ways to get closer to Allah.
essentials of salah
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Teaches the absolute basics of Salah, its Arkaan (Pillars), Waajibaat (Necessary duties) and Sunnahs. Also gives a brief about how to improve Khushoo in our Prayers.
enjoy your salah
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Cover the emotional & spiritual side of Praying, aiming to bringing the wayward heart to concentrate & taste the sweetness of Prayer.
better half… better life
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Teaches Etiquette of Marital Life, Selecting a Spouse, their rights, The Prophet ﷺ as a husband, how to deal with conflicts and Polygamy in Islam.
forgotten sunnahs
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Covers Forgotten Sunnahs of each aspect of Life in a systematic manner, Related to Salah, other Ibaadaat, Family, Society, Health and Sunnahs that can lead one to Jannah.
deen & duniya
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Based on the Dua of the Prophet ﷺ about Beneficial Knowledge, Good Sustenance & Deeds that are accepted.
heaven & hell
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Four classes each about the description of Heaven & Hell and one each listing Deeds from the Sunnah that can lead or save from them respectively.
the grave
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Covers Death, Journey of the Soul, Grave, The 3 Questions, Punishments & Blessings in the Grave.
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Reminds about the Sins we take lightly in different aspects of Life, like while in Worship, with Family and society, for the sake of entertainment, Money & Attire.
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Based on the Book Al Kabair by Imam Al Dhahabi. Categorized with references from Quran & Sunnah to get a deeper understanding.
A course with 13 classes and two tests.
Stories about 21 Prophets mentioned in the Quran and important lessons to be learnt from their stories.
most successful people
A course with 9 classes and two tests.
Brief Biographies of twenty five Sahabaa (Companions) of the Prophet ﷺ who were given the Glad Tidings of Jannah while they were alive.
A course with 8 classes and two tests.
Stories about the Great Women around the Prophetﷺ. Segregated by relation or their great stories.
The protector & the clear enemy
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
5 Classes about Allah, His Names, Rights, Likes, Dua, Promises and ways to get closer to Him and 5 classes about shaytaan, His tricks, whispers and ways to defeat him.
A course with 6 classes and one test.
Covers basics of how to develop children Religiously, Physically, Emotionally, Mentally (their Education).
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Study about the 12 Muakiddah, Tahajjud, Duha, Istikhaara, Funeral, Eclipse, Eid & Witr prayers.
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Covers Adhkaar of every day, repentance, ease in this world & the hereafter, after Salah, Durood and more, along with their meanings, benefits and virtues.
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Cover topics like, Importance of Unity, what hampers & strengthens Unity, how to deal with difference of opinions, Strengthening the Ummah and the future generation.
the lost traits
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
A Reminder to revive 23 Traits like Time Keeping, Humility, Gheerah, Justice, Forbearance, Obedience etc which are sadly lost amongst the Ummah.
the day of judgement
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Benefits of the beleif in the last day, Major & Minor Signs and a detailed description of all the events of that day along with the State of Muslims, Sinners & Disbelievers.
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Covers the Sunnan of Dua, the times they are likely answered, misunderstood topics like Intercession, disliked acts while making Dua & Bidah.
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Covers Death, Preparing your Will, Way of Condolence, Funeral Procession & Prayer, Basics of Inheritance, Benefiting the Dead & A Good End.
what is tawheed?
A course with 8 classes and two tests.
Covers all topics in a simple but interactive Q&A method. Questions about belief, worship & Shirk all answered in a concise yet comprehensive manner.
Love the Prophetﷺ
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Teaches how to really Love & follow ﷺ, and how people go astray by not following the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ.
A course with 6 classes and one test.
Covers topics about causes, prevention, cure & misconceptions about the Evil Eye. Also includes important Adhkaar and lessons abot Tawakkul, Tests & Trials.
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Discusses the world of the unseen - Jinns & Black Magic. The symptoms, protection & cure based on Quran & Sunnah.
Fiqh of Ramadan
A course, available in 7 Languages. Videos by Sheikh Yasir Jabri (in Urdu).
Teaches the Sunan, Do & Donts in Ramadan, with recommendations of how to spend a Day in Ramadan, basic Fiqh of Zakah & Eid
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
The most important part of Knowledge one can learn, Its true meaning and conditions on it being accepted from us.
A course with 6 classes and one test.
Shaitaan’s reality and goal. His tricks & whispers to lead mankind away from Allah. Means to save ourselves and dispel Shaitaan
Widespread bidahs & ways to tackle it
A course with 10 classes and two tests.
Covers the misconceptions about Bidah, Bidah Hasanah and the reasons of the spread of Bidah.