(RadhiAllahu Anhum)


The Son of Al-Islam

His Pedigree

Al-Hafidh Abul Qasim bin Asakir said regarding his pedigree: He is Salman the son of Al-Islam, the Companion of the Prophetﷺ  and his servant. He narrated from the Prophet ﷺ · He was extremely intelligent and tenacious. He belonged to the crème of the intellectuals, the devoted worshippers and nobles.

His Virtues

Abu Hurayrah narrated: We were sitting with the Prophet ﷺ when this verse was revealed to him: “And He has sent him (Prophet Muhammad ) also to others among them (Muslims) who have not yet joined them (but they will come).” (Al-Jum’ah:3) So I said: “

Who are they, 0 Allah’s Messenger?” The Prophet ﷺ did not respond till I repeated my question three times. At that time, Salman Al-Farisi was with us. So Allah’s Messenger ﷺ put his hand on Salman, saying: “If Iman (Faith) were at (the place of) Ath-Thmaiya (the highest star), even then (some men or man from these people (i.e. Salman’s folk) would attain it.”

Kathir bin ‘Abdullah Al-Muzani reported from his grandfather that Allah’s Messenger ﷺ divided the portions of the trench (to be dug). He apportioned to every group of ten persons a portion of forty arms length. The Ansar requested that Salman be counted amongst them while the Muhajirun also wished for the same. Salman was an extremely strong man. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ dismissed each group’s claim, he said, “Rather, Salman is from the Ahl Al-Bait (the household of the Messenger).”

The Story of His Conversion to Islam

Ibn Abbas reported that Salman narrated to him: (Brief version)

“I am a Persian from the town of Isfahan. I grew up there in the village called Jayyan. My father was the Dihqan (or chief) of the village.

“My father loved me more than he loved anyone else. His love and affection for me was so strong that he kept me at home like young girls were kept.

“I became devoted to the Magian religion so much that I attained the position of custodian of the fire which we worshiped. My duty was to ensure that the flames of the fire remained burning and that they did not go out for a single how.

“My father had a vast estate which he himself managed. One day he was very busy with his duties as the chief of the village. So he said to me: ‘My son, as you see, I am too busy to go out to the estate now. Go and look after matters there for me today.’ He also gave me some other instructions regarding other things he wanted done.

“While I was on my way out, he said, ‘Do not keep me here (waiting for you for a long time), you know that you are far more important to me than my estate and you are the subject of my entire devotion.’

“On my way to the estate, I passed by a Christian church and the voices at prayer attracted my attention. I did not know anything about Christianity or about the followers of any other religion throughout the time my father kept me in the house away from people. When I heard the voices of the Christians I entered the church to see what they were doing. I was impressed by their manner of praying and felt drawn to their religion. ‘By Allah,’ I said, ‘this is better than ours.’ By Allah, I did not leave them until the sun set and I abru1doned my father’s estate and the errrand he assigned to me. I asked and was told that the Christian religion originated in Ash-Sham (Syria).

“I returned to my father while he had already sent out scouts to search for me. ‘My son where have you been, didn’t I warn you before you left home?’ my father asked. I told him: ‘0 my father, I met some people praying in their church and I was impressed by what I saw of their religion. I did not leave their midst until night fall.’

“He was disappointed and said: ‘My son, there is nothing good in that religion. Your religion and the religion of your forefathers is better.’ ‘No, their religion is better than ours,’ I insisted. “My father became upset and afraid that I would leave our religion. So he kept me locked up in the house and put a chain on my feet. I managed, however, to send a message to the Christians asking them to inform me of the arrival of any caravan on a trade mission from Syria. Before long they informed me that a caravan had arrived from Syria. I sent words back requesting them to inform me when the caravan concluded its mission and was ready to go back.

“When they eventually brought the news I needed, I managed to unfetter myself and accompanied the caravan to Syria. There, I asked for the leading person in the Christian religion and I was directed to the bishop of the church. I went up to him and said: ‘I want to become a Christian and would like to attach myself to your service in the church, as well as learn from you and pray with you.’

“The bishop agreed and I entered the church in his service. I soon found out, however, that the man was corrupt. He amassed a vast quantity of gold. I hated him extremely when I saw what he was doing. “When the bishop died and the Christians gathered to bury him, I told them: ‘He was a very corrupt man.’ And I informed them of his corrupt practices. I showed them where he kept their donations. When they saw the seven large jars filled with money, they said: ‘By Allah, we shall not bury him.’ They nailed him on a cross and pelted him with stones. “So they appointed another man in his place. I continued in the service of the new bishop. He was an ascetic who longed for the Hereafter and engaged in worship day and night. I was greatly devoted to him and spent a long time in his company.

When he was going to die, I approached him and said: ‘0 bishop, as you have seen, the command of Allah (death) has finally arrived and I have never loved and been devoted to anyone like I have been to you, what do you command that I should do and whom would you recommend to me so that I may attach myself to him?’ He said: ‘My son! I do not know anyone who is upon what I am upon except a man in Mosul, I recommend him to you.’

“After his death, I headed for the church in Mosul and went straight to the bishop. I found him exactly as he was described to me.

“When he too was about to die, I put to him the same question and he recommended to me a man in Nisibis. There also, I attached myself to him (the Bishop of Nisibis). I devoted my energies in serving him till the time of his death and again he recommended me to yet another person at Ammuriyah (in Rome). Here also, I found the bishop’s devotion and asceticism similar to my previous teachers. When he approached his end I asked him to recommend another person to me. He said: ‘My son, I do not know anyone upon this path to whom I may recommend you. However, the time has come for the appearance of a Prophet who would come from the sacred precinct (Haram).

He will migrate to a swampy land suffused with palm trees. He will bear some clear signs. In the space between his shoulders, there is a seal of prophethood. He would accept a gift butwould never consume charity (sadaqah) for himself.”‘

(Salman continues his story): “I continued to stay in his service until a group of Arab traders from the Kalb tribe passed through and I asked them to take me with them to the land of the Arabs in return for whatever money I had. They agreed and I paid them. When we reached Wadi Al-Qura (a place between Madinah and Syria), they betrayed me and sold me to a Jew (as a slave). I worked as a servant for him on his date-palm farm. When I saw date palms I thought it was the land described to me by my former teacher. I continued to serve the Jew until a man from Banu Quraydah came and bought me from him.

“My new master took me to Madinah. The moment I saw it, I knew I had arrived at the city of palm groves.

“At that time the Prophet ﷺ was inviting his people in Makkah to Islam but I did not hear anything about him at that time because of the harsh duties which slavery imposed upon me.

The Prophet ﷺ reached Quba after his Hijrahfrom Makkah.

“When it was evening, I took some food that I had with me and went to the place where the Prophet ﷺ had alighted at Quba. I went up to him and said: ‘I have been informed that you are a righteous man and that you have companions with you who are strangers and are in need. Here is something from me as sadaqah. I see that you are more deserving of it than others. So eat.’

“The Prophet ﷺ ordered his companions to eat but he himself refrained from eating of it. This was the first sign.

“I gathered some more food and when the Prophet ﷺ left Quba for Madinah I went to him and said: ‘I noticed that you do not eat sadaqah. This is a gift for you.’ He ate and his Companions also ate with him. This is the second· sign.

“Thereafter I came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ while he was following a Janazah. I was wearing two shamlahs (cloaks) of mine. He was in the midst of his Companions. I tried to look at his back so that perhaps I could see the seal (of prophethood) that had been described to me. When he saw me, I quickly turned away but he knew I was searching to  confirm the seal. The Prophet ﷺ raised the clothing from his back so that I could see what I was looking for. I saw the seal and immediately recognized it as described. I rushed to embrace him, kissed him and wept. He said to me: ‘Convert (to Islam),’ and I converted. Then I narrated to him my story just as I have narrated to you, O Ibn Abbas.”

Allah’s Messenger ﷺ helped buy Salman buy his freedom and then he participated in the Battle of Khandaq with Allah’s Messenger ﷺ and never missed any of the battles he fought, thereafter.”

His Knowledge

From the peculiarity of his story, the extent of his knowledge becomes quite evident. Abu Bakhataree said: “Some people asked ‘Ali: ‘Inform us about the Companions of Muhammad.’

‘Ali said: ‘About whom are you asking specifically?’ they asked about many and then asked about Salman and Ali said: the first and the last knowledge. An ocean (of knowledge) the depth of which is not fathomed and he belongs to us, the Ahl At-Bait.”‘

A Humble Leader

The righteous considers position of authority a burden rather than ru1 honor. When they are given authority, they become embodiments of asceticism, humility, justice, and fear of Allah. Ubaydah Al Salmani reported that Salman approached the settlements of Midian in a military campaign against the town.

Even though he was the commander of the entire army, he rode behind ordinary man from Kindah on the same mule. His companions said to him: “Give us the flag so that we may hold it for you.” He objected to their request and held it until the conclusion of the campaign and he returned still riding behind the man on the same mule.

His Demise

It is reported that Salman’s wife said: “When Salman was in the moment of his death, he called me from the upper room in which he was. The room had four doors. So he said: ‘Open all the doors for I am expecting visitors today and I do not know through which doors they will enter.’ Then he requested perfume and said: ‘Mix it in water and spread it round my bed.’ When I came back to him, his soul had been taken. He lay on his bed as if he was asleep.”



He Donated His Life and Wealth to Allah

Who Was He?

He was one of the Ansaris who accommodated the Prophet ﷺ, aided him and followed the light that was sent down with him. He was one of the distinguished students in the Prophetic school. He was a fearless and brave horseman who pledged into battles valiantly. He defied all perils and bore difficulties with equanimity. His skill was daunting. Besides all these, he was quick in assisting the troubled, restituting the oppressed and provide succor for the grieved. Above all, he stood on a high pedestal in the love of Allah and His Messenger. He found pleasure in (answering) the call of Ji had. He savored the hardship occasioned by battle. He perceived the sweet fragrance of Paradise under the blade of his sword.

A Glimpse of His Love of Allah

This is from what ibn Mas’ud reported. He said: “When the Verse ‘Who is he that will lend to Allah a goodly loan … ‘ was revealed, Abu Dahdah said: ‘0 Messenger of Allah, does Allah want a loan from us?’ ‘Yes, 0 Abu Dahdah,’ the Prophet ﷺ said. ‘Then show me your hand.’ When the Prophet ﷺ extended his hand, he took it and said: ‘I lend Allah a garden containing 600 palm trees.’ Then he returned to the garden while Umm Dahdah and his family were in there and he called out to her: ‘0 Umm Dahdah!’ ‘Labbayk (I am responding),’ she responded. ‘Get out (of the garden) for I have loaned it to my Lord azza wa jalla.”‘

Umm Dahdah responded: “Profitable is your transaction! May you be blessed in what you have bought.”

Then Umm Dahdah went to her children and extracted from their mouths some of the fruits of that garden (which they loaned to Allah) which they were eating. She also took out the ones in their stores as well and went to another garden. The Prophet ﷺ said “How many great clusters of (fruits) and spacious houses (awaits) Abu Dahdah.”

Just as Abu Dahdah volunteered all that he had for Allah, he equally volunteered his most valuable treasure – his life, for the sake of Allah. 

On the Day of Uhud, he demonstrated a deep understanding of the (Ulloohiyyah) oneness of the Divinity of Allah. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ stationed some men to watch a mountain path to prevent a surprise onslaught from the enemies. He took a pledge from them not to contravene his order. Unfortunately, the fifty archers the Messenger stationed to protect the mountain pass disobeyed his order.

The Companions of Allah’s Messenger ﷺ were caught off guard by a surprise attack from the mountain pass. Unable to withstand the onslaught, the ranks of the Muslims broke and some of the polytheists availed themselves of the opportunity to hit Allah’s Messenger ﷺ. At a point, they even thought he had been killed! They deliberately spread that through the ranks of the Muslims to demoralize them and to goad them into abandoning their religion. However, the faith of the Muslim was firmer than that, regardless of the severity of the onslaught and regardless of the numerous martyrs.

Thabit ibn Dahdah stood firm (in the face of this great trial) calling in a loud voice that resonated all around the mountain: “0 community of the Ansar! Come over to me! Come over to me! Even if Muhammad had been killed, Allah is Ever Living and will never die! Fight for the sake of your religion!” He had barely finished his call when a group of the Ansar gathered around him and together, they fell upon the polytheists in a deadly onslaught. However, in front of them were menacing weapons of the polytheists. Leading them were formidable men like Khalid bin Waleed, Amr bin Al-As, lkrimah bin Abu Jahl and Dharar bin Al Khattab. The battle raged between the Ansar and the polytheists. Khalid succeeded in mortally stabbing Thabit and he fell dead. Thereafter one after the other, the valiant warriors of the Ansar that fought alongside him also fell.

There, at the foot of the mountain of Uhud lie the bodies of the martyrs of this battle.

But those who are killed in the way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost. He will guide them and set right their state. And admit them to Paradise which He has made known to them (i.e. they will know their places in Paradise more than they used to know their houses in the worlds).”


Do not prevent him, perhaps Allah might bless him with martyrdom

He is Amr bin Al-Jamuh bin Zaid, Al-Khazraji Al-Ansari. He participated in the Battle of Uhud along with his children, Mu’adh, Mu’awidh, and Khallad.

I Shall Enter Paradise!

Al-Waqidi said: “Amr did not witness the Battle of Badr for he was lame in one of his legs. When the Muslims marched forth for the Battle of Uhud, his sons prevented him from joining the Muslim forces. They said to him: ‘You have been excused.’ Amr was quite angry over his sons’ insistence on preventing him from fighting and he went to the Prophet ﷺ to complain about the action of his sons. He got a reprieve when Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said to his sons: ‘It is not (fitting) for you to prevent him. Perhaps Allah will grant him martyrdom.”‘

In another narration, Amr bin Jamuh said to his sons: “You prevented me from (entering) AI-Jannah in the Battle of Badr, by Allah, I shall enter Al-Jannah if Allah preserve my life (to witness another battle).”

On the day of Uhud, ‘Umar reported, “I did not have any concern other than for him. I sought him out (on the battlefield) and there he was in the front ranks of the Muslim army.” 

His wife also reported: “I could still picture him as he took his shield in readiness for the battle along with the Muslim forces on the day of Uhud. He kept praying: “0 Allah! Do not send meback.” He was killed in that battle along with his son, Khallad.

‘Amr bin Jamuh mounted his camel, sword held tightly in his hand and his tongue fervent in dua asking Allah to grant him martyrdom and that he should not be sent back to his family disappointed.

An Escape to The Heavens

When When the two armies met, Amr bin Jamuh went to Allah’s Messenger ﷺ had said: “0 Allah’s Messenger, if I fight in the cause of Allah until I am killed, will I walk in Al-Jannah with my legs healthy?” Allah’s Messenger ﷺ responded, “Yes.”

He was killed in the battle along with his nephew and a freed slave of his. When Allah’s Messenger ﷺ came across his corpse, he said, “It’s as if I could see you walking in Paradise with your legs healthy.” Allah’s Messenger ﷺ ordered for their bodies and he buried him and his freed slave in one grave.

In yet another narration, on the Day of Uhud, Allah’s Messenger ﷺ called on the people: “Strand up for a Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for Al Muttaqun.” And Amr stood even though he was lame in one of his legs and said: “I will be rewarded for it in Al-Jannah.”

He fought in the cause of Allah until he was killed. Malik said: “He and ‘Abdullah bin Amr bin Haram were wrapped in the same shroud and he was buried on the battlefield.

During the time of Muawiyah, flood ravaged their grave. When then bodies were exhumed to be reburied in another place, they were found intact as if they had died only yesterday. One of the two martyrs had been injured and he had placed his hand on his wound and had been buried in that posture. When the hand was removed from the wound (after they were exhumed), fresh blood gushed forth so his hand was replaced as it was. Between the date of the Battle of Uhud and the date of the exhumation was forty-six years. Such is how martyrdom is taken as a means of escape to the heavens. May Allah be pleased with him.”


He will Enter Paradise without Giving Account

Who Was He?

He was the fortunate martyr: Ukashah bin Muhsin bin Harthan bin Qays bin Mmrah Al-Asadi, ally of the Quraish.

He was among the forerunners and early converts to Islam. He was a participant in the Battle of Badr from the people of Jannah. He was nicknamed Abu Muhsin. He was among the chiefs of the Companions and one of their distinguished ones. He was one of the most handsome of men. He emigrated and participated in the battle of Badr and on that day, he attained great feats. He witnessed the battles of Uhud and Khandaq and all that came after them. May Allah be pleased with him.

His Miracle

Ibn Ishaq said: Ukashah bin Muhsin, ally of ibn ‘Abdush Shams bin’ Abd Manaf, fought on the Day of Badr with his sword until it broke in his hand. Then he came to Allah’s Messenger ﷺ and he gave him a piece of wood and said, “Fight with this, 0 Ukashah!” When he took it from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, he shook it and it turned into a long white steel-hard sword in his hand. He fought with it w1til Allah granted victory to the Muslims. That sword is known as Al-‘Aun. It never ceased to be with him while he witnessed several battles alongside Allah’s Messenger ﷺ until he was killed during the wars of apostasy while it (the sword) was with him.

The Prophet ﷺ appointed him to command a detachment of Al-Ghamr and they did not meet with evil machination.

The Great Triumph

This great master attained the glory of this world and the esteem of the Hereafter. Allah’s Messenger ﷺ had given him the glad tidings of being among the 70,000 that will enter Paradise without giving account!!! Bliss be yours, 0 fortunate martyr.

His Martyrdom

Ukahsah went forth along with Khalid bin Waleed in the days of the reign of As-Siddiq at Dhi Al Qisah. He sent him and Thabit bin Aqram to the front line against Talihah. They both met Talihah Al-Asadi – in the days of his apostasy – and his brother, Salamah and they fought both of them until they gain martyrdom.


  • Do not have to memorise the ayahs or hadeeths word for word and their references, but remember their meanings and the msg being given.

  • The tests in this course are open book tests, so you do not need to memorise things just give it a good read so that you can come back and look for your answers in the test.


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  1. Inform a minimum of 15 friends/family about LEARN ISLAM (we have around 30 courses for adults and along with courses for children, all for free and certificates are also given) 5 Marks.

  2. Speak about any 3 Sahaba and the best thing about them with 3 people. 10 Marks

  3. Pray for the Ummah, pray for the ease of all the poor & oppressed Muslims and pray that Allah make us all strong in imaan and give us the hidayah to work for the aakhirah and to help each other. - 1 Mark



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As Salam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh :)


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