(RadhiAllahu AnhumA)

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Peace and blessing be upon the one who was sent as a mercy to all the worlds, our master Muhammad, and upon his family, his Companions and all those who follow them in goodness till the Day of Resurrection.

There is no truth to the claim that “The women of the beginning of Islam never came out except on three occasions: from the womb of her mother to the world; from her father’s house to her husband’s house, and from her husband’s house to her grave!”

This statement is a slander!

Equally not authentic is what is reported that ‘A’ishah R.A., said regarding women: “Do not house them in the upper chamber and do not teach them writing skill!!!”

The reality is that the women lived in the shade of this eternal religion enjoying their rights in full, sharing in the hopes and pains of her community. We have seen of them strugglers (in Jihad), ardent worshippers while some others were scholars. Islam has protected the women’s rights and honor. 


Whoever harms her, Harms me – Prophet ﷺ

She is the leader of the women of the world in her time and a part of the Prophet. She was Umm Abiha, the daughter of the leader of creation, Allah’s Messenger, and the mother of the two Hasans. She was born shortly before prophethood. 

She was married to ‘Ali bin Abi Talib in Dhul-Qa’ada or before that in the second year after the battle of Badr.

The Prophet ﷺ used to love and honor her and used to delight her. Her virtues are indeed copious. She was patient, devoted, generous, contented and grateful to Allah. The Prophet ﷺ got angry because of her when it reached him that Abu Hasan (‘Ali) had decided, based on what he has seen agreeable (to him), to make a marriage proposals to the daughter of Abu Jahl. He said: “By Allah, the daughter of the Prophet of Allah will not be joined with the daughter of the enemy of Allah. Fatimah is from me and whatever causes my misgivings also causes her. Whatever troubles her troubles me.” So ‘Ali abandoned his marriage proposals in her consideration. He did not marry any other woman along with her nor did he have any concubine. When she died, he married other women and had concubines. May Allah be pleased with her.

Her Virtues

  • ‘A’ishah said: “Once Fatimah came walking and her gait resembled the gait of the Prophet. The Prophet ﷺ said, ‘Welcome, 0 my daughter’ !”

  • Umm Salamah reported that the Prophet ﷺ wrapped up Hasan, Hussain, ‘Ali and Fatimah under a cover and then he said: “0 Allah, these are my household and my choice. Remove from them Ar-Rijs (evil deeds and sins) and purify them with a thorough purification.” Umm Salamah asked: “Am I with them, 0 Allah’s Messenger?” and he said: “You are (already) upon goodness.”

  • Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri reported that Allah’s Messenger said: “No one angers the Ahl Al-Bait except that Allah admits him into Hellfire.”

  • ‘A’ishah ~, said: “I never saw anyone resembling the Messenger of Allah in speech and in talk more than Fatimah. Whenever she entered, he would stand up for her, kiss her and welcome her. And this is exactly what she used to do to him also.”

The Vanguard of the Female Strugglers (in the Path of Allah)

Her struggle began with the commencement of the call to Allah the Most High. Her father had suffered harm which he bore like an imposing mountain.

In one of the sittings of the idol worshippers, Uqbah bin Abi Mu’it heard an uncultured group of the Qur’aish say: “Who would carry the bowels of a camel and place it on the back of Muhammad while he is in prostration?” Uqbah volunteered to carry out the despicable act. He said: “I will do it!” He rushed to the bowels of the camel carried it and threw it on the back of the Prophet while he was in prostration. The Leader of the Messengers remained in prostration until the news reached Fatimah. She came and removed the filth from the back of her father and she washed off what stained him of the filth.

In the Battle of Uhud, when she saw blood flowing from the face of Allah’s Messenger, she hastened to him, hugged him and she kept wiping the blood from his face while Allah’s Messenger was saying; “The anger of Allah becomes intense upon a people who bloodied the face of the Messenger of Allah.”

She participated in the Battle of Khandaq, Khaybar, and the Conquest (of Makkah).

At Her Father’s Death

‘A’ishah R.A., said: “We, the wives of the Prophet, were gathered with him and none of us had left when Fatimah came walking. By Allah, her gait was not more than that of Allah’s Messenger (in similarity). When he saw her, he welcomed her.

He said: ‘Welcome my daughter!’ Then he made her sit by his right side or by the left. Thereafter he confided something to her, whereupon she wept profusely. Then he confided something to her the second time, then she laughed.

“When the Prophet got up, I said to her, ‘Allah’s Messenger singled you out for the secret talk and you wept, I beseech you earnestly by what right I have on you to tell me what he told you that made you weep and what he told you that made you laugh.’

She said: ‘I will not disclose the secret of Allah’s Messenger.’ After he died, I said to her: ‘ I beseech you by the right which I have over you to inform me (what he told you that made you weep and what he told you that made you laugh).’

She said: ‘Now I am going to inform you. As for what he told me the first time: (It is that) Jibril used to review the Qur’an with me once every year and he reviewed it with me twice this year, I do not consider that anything other than an indication that my time of death has approached. So fear Allah and be patient for I am the best predecessor for you. So I wept. When he saw my sorrow, he said: Are you not pleased to be the leader of all the women of the world, or leader of all the women of this nation.’ Then I laughed.” she concluded.”

When the Prophet died, she grieved and wept over him. She said: “0 my father, to Jibril we announce your death! 0 my father, heed the call of the Lord Who has invited you; 0 my father, the Garden of Firdaus is your place of return.”

She said after the Prophet ﷺ was buried: “0 Anas, how could you find it pleasing to your hearts to throw dust on Allah’s Messenger.”

She died five months or thereabout after the death of the Prophet. She lived for twenty-four or twenty-five years. The highest number of years that is mentioned that she lived for is twenty-nine, but the first opinion appears to be the most authentic.

Manner With the Spouse

Ash-Sha’bi said: “When Fatimah took ill. Abu Bakr came visiting and sought permission. ‘Ali said to her: ‘0 Fatimah, here is Abu Bakr seeking permission to see you.’ Then she asked: ‘Do you wish that I should allow him?’ ‘Yes ‘Ali said.

Adh-Dhahabi said in a Mu’allaq form: “She understood the Sunnah, she never allowed anyone into the house of her husband except with his permission.”

Where is this Islamic manner in our own time? Rather, what goes on in many Muslim homes is character anarchy. Nobility has been buried and honor is defiled. Allah be pleased with Fatimah.


Her Dowry was lslam

Umm Sulaim was: Rumaysa and it is said: [Al-Ghumaysa’] bint Milhan Al-Ansariyah Al-Khazrajiyyah, the mother of the servant-boy of Allah’s Messenger, Anas bin Malik.

Her husband, Malik bin An-Nadhr, died and the Companion, Abu Talhah Zayd bin Sahl Al-Ansari married her and she bore for him: Abu Umayr and ‘Abdullah. She witnessed the Battles of Hunayn, Uhud and she was one of the most excellent women.

Islam is Her Dowry (Mahr)

Anas said: “Abu Talhah proposed to Umm Sulaim and she said: ‘It is not fitting that I should marry a polytheist. Don’t you know, 0 Aba Talhah that your gods are carved by the slave of such and such family? And were you to ignite fire under it, it will burn?’ He left while that was registered on his mind. Thereafter he came to her and said: ‘I have accepted what you have presented to me.’ He said: ‘She did not have any mahr other than Islam.”‘ 

In another narration by An-Nasai from Anas, who said: Abu Talhah proposed to Umm Sulaim and she said: “By Allah, someone like you is not to be rejected, 0 Aba Talhah, but you are a polytheist while I am a Muslim is not permissible for me to marry you but if you accept Islam, then that will be my dowry, I do not ask you for other than that.” So he became a Muslim and that was her mahr.

Thabit said: I never heard of any woman who had a more noble mahr than Umm Sulaim. He consummated the marriage with her and she bore for him children.

Allah’s Messenger Jokes With Her Son

Anas bin Malik narrated: “The Prophet used to visit Umm Sulaim and she would present to him whatever she had prepared for him. I have a brother who is younger than I am nicknamed Abu Umayr. One day, the Prophet visited us and said: ‘Why is Abu Umayr looking sad?’ She said: ‘A nightingale (he used to play with) died.’ The Prophet kept rubbing his head saying: “0 Abu ‘Umayr! What has An-Nughair (nightingale) (done)?

Anas also reported that: The Prophet never used to visit any house other than that of Umm Sulaim. When that was mentioned to him, he said: “I feel compassion for her, her brother was killed while fighting alongside me.” Her brother was Haram bin Milhan, the martyred who said on the day of Birr Maunah: “I have succeeded by the Lord of Ka’bah!’ when he was stabbed from his back and the bayonet came out through his chest. May Allah be pleased with him.

Her Virtues

Jabir bin’ Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “The Messenger of Allah said: ‘I saw myself (in a dream that I) entered Paradise and then I met Rumaysa’ the wife of Abu Talhah and I heard a rustle so I asked: Who is that? He said: That is Biial.”” (Bukhari & Muslim)

Her Struggles
Anas narrated: that Umm Sulaim held a dagger on the day of the Battle of Hunayn. So Abu Talhah said: “0 Messenger of Allah, here is Umm Sulaim bearing a dagger.” She said: “0 Messenger of Allah, if any polytheist gets close to me I will disembowel him with it.”

Beautiful Patience 

What is Sabr? Ibn Qayyim said: “It is a noble trait in human character which inhibits (a person) from carrying out what is not good and what is not beautiful. It is one of the strengths of the heart by which it rectifies its concerns and by which it establishes its affair.” 

Dhun Nun said: “It is an aloofness from extremes; calmness in the face of the overwhelming chokes of trials and demonstration of contentment at the outbreak of poverty in the sphere livelihood.”

Umm Sulaim presents to us an excellent example of good disposition toward decree and trials.

Anas said: “A son of Umm Sulaim fell ill. Abu Talhah went out to the mosque and the child died in his absence.  Umm Sulaim prepared the child (for burial) and said (to the people): ‘Don’t inform him’ (i.e. her husband).

“When Abu Talhah returned, she presented to him his dinner. He took his dinner and thereafter he had sexual relations with his wife. When it was the end of the night, she said to him: ‘0 Aha Talhah, what do you think about the people of a house who gave a loan to the people of another house and then its owner asks for the repayment of the loan? Should they repay the loan or keep it?’

He said: ‘They should return it!’

 ‘Your son is a loan from Allah and He has taken him.’ She said.

Abu Talhah said ‘We belong to Allah and to Him is our return, and he offered praises to Allah.

“When it was daybreak, he hastened to Allah’s Messenger. When he saw him, he said: ‘May Allah bless you in (the result of) your night.’

“She conceived Abdullah and thereafter she delivered him one night. She sent me with the child and I took some Ajwa dates and I went to the Prophet while he was tending some camels of his. I said to him: ‘0 Allah’s Messenger Umm Sulaim gave birth in the night.’

“He chewed some of the dates with his saliva and put it in the child’s mouth. The child sucked it so he said ‘The Ansar love dates.’ Then she said, ‘name him 0 Messenger of Allah he said: ‘His name is Abdullah’

The Virtue of Patience

Uyyanah said: I saw seven boys belonging to that boy (i.e. ‘Abdullah) all of them having memorized the Qur’an. 

May Allah be pleased with Umm Sulaim and reward her for her patience.

HAFSAH BINT ‘UMAR (The Mother of the Believers)

The Wife of the Prophet in Paradise 

Who was this person whose mention we aromatize in these pages? The Prophet married her after the completion of her iddah following the death of Khunnays bin Hudhaifah As-Sahmi one of the emigrants in the third year of Hijrah.

It is reported that she was born before the prophethood by five years. This is why it is possible that the Prophet consummated with her when she was about twenty years old. When she was widowed, her father offered her in marriage to Abu Bakr but he did not give any response. He presented her to ‘Uthman and he said: “I am of the opinion that I shall not marry at present.” He became broken hearted by the reaction of both of them so he went to complain of his situation to the Prophet and he said: “Someone better than ‘Uthman will many her and ‘Uthman will marry someone better than Hafsah.”

Thereafter, he sought her hand in marriage and ‘Umar married her to him. Allah’s Messenger married his own daughter, Ruqayyah, to ‘Uthman after the death of her sister. Later, after ‘Umar had married her off, Abu Bakr met him and gave his excuse. He said, “Do not be angry with me. Allah’s Messenger had mentioned Hafsah and I did not want to reveal his secret. If he had refused her, I would have married her.”

When the Prophet ﷺ wanted to divorce Hafsah, Allaah revealed to him: Go back to Hafsah, for she fasts a lot and prays a lot at night, and she will be your wife in Paradise. (Al-Nasaa’I, Abu Dawood and Ibn Maajah)

It is permissible for a husband to divorce his wife so long as there is a shar’i reason for doing so, such as a lack of religious commitment, a bad attitude, lack of chastity, negligence, etc., even if she is not a kaafir. But if she is a righteous believer, let him keep her, even if he dislikes some of her characteristics, as the Prophet ﷺ said. It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allaah ﷺ said: “Let not a believing man hate a believing woman. If he dislikes one of her attributes, he will be pleased with another.” (Narrated by Muslim from Abu Hurayrah, 1469). 

The Lofty Islamic Manner

The Islamic upbringing is very important for the maintenance of a good society and a godly home that is established upon mutual respect between spouses. The training of the daughter in her father’s house on humbleness to the spouse and respect of him is one of the most important factors in building an Islamic home.

Similarly, cultivation and training the youth upon the fact that the importance of conserving the rights of the wife is one of the greatest foundations upon which the Muslim home is built. Also the role of the parents is not truncated by the marriage of the daughter. Rather, there must be a constant reminder from time to time of the rights of the husband and patience with him at times of joy and adversity. A home will not be founded on other than this principle except that the end of its affair is loss.

Here Is the Narration

‘Umar bin AI-Khattab R.A.said: “We, the people of Quraish, used to have control over women, but when we came to Madinah, we found a people whose women had the upper hand over them, so our women started learning the manner of their women. Once I got angry with my wife and she retorted back at me and I disliked that she should answer me back. She said, ‘What do you detest in that? By Allah, the wives of the Prophet would retort at him, and some of them would not even speak with him for the whole day till night.’

“Then I proceeded and went to Hafsah. So I said: ‘Do any of you retort at Allah’s Messenger and would abandon him for the whole day till night?’

She replied in the affirmative.

I said, ‘Whoever does that amongst you is ruined and a loser (i.e. will never be successful)! Do you feel secured that Allah might get angry for the anger of His Messenger and thus she will be ruined? Don’t retort at Allah’s Messenger and don’t even ask him for anything whatsoever. Demand from me whatever you like, and don’t be deceived by (the behaviour of) your neighbor (i.e. ‘A’ishah) for she (i.e. ‘A’ishah) is more beautiful than you, and more beloved to Allah’s Messenger than you are!

That was how ‘Umar was. What a good father and a good adviser he was for his daughter. Where is this sort of training today? To Allah do we complain.

Loftiness in the Face of Afflictions

When ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab R.A.was stabbed, Hafsah went to his presence. She looked at him and she said with a tongue of certitude and an utterance of clear truthfulness:

 “My father, why are you grieved? You are arriving at the presence of your Lord while you have no liability of anyone with you. I have for you a glad tiding the secret I shall not expose twice. What a good intercessor is there for you. Your coarse subsistence was not hidden from Allah and the crudeness of your appetite. You obtained the suppression of the Mushrikkeen (those who join partners with Allah) and the Mufsideen (those who are corrupt).”

In the year 41 AH, in the year of Jama’ah and during the reign of Mu’awiyah she answered the call of her Lord, well pleased and well-pleasing. The Governor of Madinah, Marwan, led her funeral prayer and she was buried at Al-Baqi. Her pure body slept at the blessed Baqi. Congratulations to you, the Mother of the Believers and peace be upon you, the day you accepted Islam, the day you made Hijrah, the day you died, and the day the people will stand before the Lord of the worlds.


An Anonymous Black Women 

Promised Paradise for her Patience

Bearing with patience will bring a great reward from Allaah. 

It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas that a black woman came to the Prophet ﷺ and said: “I suffer from epilepsy and I become uncovered. Pray to Allaah for me.” He said: “If you wish, you can be patient and Paradise will be yours, or if you wish I will pray to Allaah to heal you.” She said, “I will be patient.” Then she said: “But I become uncovered. Pray to Allaah that I will not become uncovered.” So he prayed for her. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5652; Muslim, 2576).

The calamities that befall a person and affect him or his wealth or his family are not completely bad, rather they may result in a lot of good for a person.


  • Do not have to memorise the ayahs or hadeeths word for word and their references, but remember their meanings and the msg being given.

  • The tests in this course are open book tests, so you do not need to memorise things just give it a good read so that you can come back and look for your answers in the test.


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  1. Inform a minimum of 15 friends/family about LEARN ISLAM (we have around 30 courses for adults and along with courses for children, all for free and certificates are also given) 5 Marks.

  2. Speak about any 3 Sahaba and the best thing about them with 3 people. 10 Marks

  3. Pray for the Ummah, pray for the ease of all the poor & oppressed Muslims and pray that Allah make us all strong in imaan and give us the hidayah to work for the aakhirah and to help each other. - 1 Mark



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As Salam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh :)


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