The Making of aN UMMAH

In a wider sense, 'sacrifice' means giving up things which are valued or desired. Those things may be tangible, countable like time, wealth or life, or intangible, immeasurable like feelings, attitudes, opinions or aspirations. They are given up for the sake of something that is more worthy or more important or more urgent.

What is true of ordinary human life and endeavour, whatever its nature or importance, is certainly much more true of Islamic life. For, Islam simply means surrender to Allah of your whole being, not of just some possession. Put in the language of our present discourse Islamic life is a life of sacrifice par excellence. It entails a struggle that must be ceaselessly waged, to actualize Islam, inwardly and outwardly, to make it a living reality. 

Sacrifice is the nourishment without which the tiny seeds of Iman will not grow into mighty, leafy trees, providing shade and fruit to the countless caravans of mankind

From the very birth of Islam, the true religion of Allah was confronted with numerous fatal attacks, devised by the enemies of Islam to totally wipe out its teachings and its followers. Misguided interpretations of the Qur'an and Sunnah, innovated practices and invasions by the enemies of Islam flourishing without any confrontation would have resulted in Islam becoming just another name and ideology mentioned in the books of history, had it nod been for the Companions of the Messenger of Allah . In the same way, those who followed the blessed age of the Companions encountered these constant attacks upon Islam, but they, keeping in spirit with their predecessors, relentlessly fought the forces of baatil (falsehood) and preserved the Deen.

The Sahaba, as we all know were the loyal followers of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ who earned their knowledge directly from him. It is for their dedication and perseverance that Islam spread throughout this world. They followed Islam to the fullest. Their tales of courage, glory, suffering and victory has been lauded by scholars throughout history and this class shall be dedicated towards the noble sacrifices of incredible Sahabas. All of us need to take lessons from their sacrifices as they will clearly inspire us to be better Muslims with better Iman and Taqwa.


Protection of Deen

Allah Ta’alah chose the early generations for the preservation of Islam. In every field of Islam, they distinguished the pure untouched teachings of Islam from any foreign unislamic concepts and thus, over the course of 1400 years, Islam remained in its original form. Whether it be the steadfastness of the Companions on the plain of Badr or the great heroism shown on the mountains of Uhud, be it the severe torture endured by Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (rahimahullah) or the long journeys Imam Bukhari (rahimahullah) undertook in his thirst for knowledge, be it Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyah's (rahimahullah) defiance of the tyrannical Tartar forces; in every age and in every field, our pious predecessors fulfilled the responsibility.


Muslims today.

If we, as Muslims, today firmly abide by the teachings of the Shari'ah, taking inspiration and guidance from the teachings of the early generations, and by expressing the same zeal and fervour, treading the same path of sacrifice and devotion, insha-Allah, Allah will grant Islam its former glory through our means and we will return to being the "best nation amongst mankind" in the true sense. May Allah grant us all the ability to follow in the footsteps of the Sahaba and those who followed them in their righteous path.


First let us briefly look at an important question. Why must Islam be so emphatically linked with the idea of struggle? What has the one to do with the other? Cannot a person become a good Muslim without involving himself in a struggle. The answer is: No. And for very obvious reasons.

The path of Islam cannot be anything other than the path of struggle, and therefore sacrifice. Is not Islam, one might say, a gift of Allah? It surely is. Without His help and His enabling hand we can take no steps on the straight path (al-Sirat alMustaqim), the path of Islam. Yet only through our sincere intention and devoted striving can we deserve to receive this most precious gift, to retain it, to grow in it, to derive full benefit from it.

Islam is not just one gift among many; it is the choicest gift of Allah (al-Maidah 5:3). Out of all the countless bounties and the blessings that Allah has given us to enable us to live our lives in this world, the greatest and the most important is that He has guided us to the true meaning and purpose in our lives.

  • Do you think you should enter Paradise unless Allah establishes who among you have struggled hard and who are patient? (Al-Imran 3:142)

  • Do you think you should enter Paradise while there has not yet come upon you the like of those who passed away before you? Misery and hardship befell them (Al-Baqarah 2: 214)


What should we Sacrifice?

Sacrifice, simply means to give up things which we love and hold dear, which in our eyes have some value for us. We may possess them now or hope and aspire to have them in future. Giving up something deserves to be called a sacrifice only when we love and value it.


1. Time

Time is our most precious commodity. Nothing we covet and desire in life can be obtained except by spending time, and spending it properly, in its pursuit. We maybe spending our time to seek pleasure, to earn money and worldly possessions, to work, to enjoy, or we may simply idle it away - doing nothing.

Time is the first thing that Allah demands of us. It takes time to fight in the way of Allah. It takes time to pray. It takes time to do Da'wah. It takes time to read the Qur'an. It takes time to visit the sick. Every moment should be spent in seeking His pleasure, in fulfilling our commitment to Him. But, if you reflect more deeply, you will realize that what you are really required to sacrifice is not your time. It is the things in whose pursuit your time is being spent, things which may be contradictory to your goals in life, meaningless, unimportant or less important compared to Allah's cause. Therefore to give your time for Islam, before any thing else, you must be ready to sacrifice many other things which claim your time.


2. Wealth

Most of your time is spent in the pursuit of money or worldly possessions obtained through money. Their desire and love is ingrained in our nature. "Alluring unto man is the love of worldly desires - women and children and heaped up treasures of gold and silver, and horses of high mark, and cattle, and lands" (al-Imran 3:14). This love and desire of worldly things, let us remember, is neither condemnable nor even bad or evil. The world is not inherently evil; such is not the teaching of the Qur'an. Money and wealth are not despised; it is called the khayr (good). And quite logically.

What makes this-world evil is when we forget that all this has been placed at our disposal for the duration of this-world only, as a means to real and eternal goals, which are better than anything whatever and everything this-world may have to offer. When means become ends, they bring misery by diverting us away from what is of real value to us.

What will help you to offer these difficult sacrifices is to constantly remember certain things.

  • Firstly, nothing belongs to you; everything belongs to Allah. When you sacrifice something in the way of Allah, you are only returning it to the rightful Owner.

  • Secondly, whatever great value you may attach to worldly possessions, these will become naught with your last breath. All that is with you comes to an end; but what is with Allah is everlasting (al-Nahl 16:96)

  • Thirdly, only by giving it away for Allah can you receive it back, increased manifold. “Lend unto Allah a goodly loan. Whatever good you shall forward on your own behalf, you shall find it with Allah, as better and richer in reward” (al-Muzzammil 73:20)

Sacrificing wealth has never been easy. But ours is an age when a better standard of living, enjoyment and pleasure, consumerism and material gains have become the only objects of life.


Giving in Charity from what you love

Allah says, “By no means shall you attain Al-Birr (piety, righteousness — here it means Allaah’s reward, i.e. Paradise), unless you spend (in Allaah’s Cause) of that which you love” (Aal ‘Imraan 3:92)

Anas added: “When the aayah was revealed, Abu Talhah stood up and went to the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ, and said: ‘O Messenger of Allaah, Allaah says, “By no means shall you attain Al-Birr, unless you spend of that which you love…” The most beloved of my wealth to me is the garden of Bayruha’, and I am giving it in charity to Allaah, hoping to find reward for that with Allaah. So dispose of it, O Messenger of Allaah, as Allaah shows you.’ The Messenger of Allaah ﷺ said: ‘Bravo! That is a good deal, that is a good deal. I have heard what you said and I think that you should give it to your relatives.’ Abu Talhah said, ‘I will do that, O Messenger of Allaah.’ So Abu Talhah shared it out among his relatives and cousins (sons of his paternal uncles).” (Bukhaari & Muslim)

 Abu Bakr R.A. came to donate all his wealth and Umar R.A. had come with half his wealth for the battle of Tabook.


3. Life

A time may come when you will be required to sacrifice your life for the sake of Allah. To so lay down your life is the highest act of doing shahadah; you then deserve to be called shahid. Life is your most precious possession. To sacrifice it means you have to sacrifice everything which life gives or makes possible, all concrete and abstract things.

Know that those who die in the way of Allah attain a life, for themselves and their community and their mission, which transcends their death: "And say not of those slain in Allah's way, "They are dead"; Nay, they are alive but you perceive it not."(al-Baqarah 2:154)

Not that everyone of us will be called upon to give away his life. But the yearning to do so must burn in every heart. The Prophet ﷺ said,

  • "One who does not fight or even thinks of fighting in the way of Allah will die the death of a hypocrite" (Sahih Muslim).

  • "By Him in whose hands is my life, I love that I die in the way of Allah and made alive, that I die again and again given life, I again die and once again given life, only to die again in the way of Allah." (Bukhari & Muslim)

Say, “Surely my prayer, my sacrifice, my life, and my death are all for Allah—Lord of all worlds. (6:162)



BILAL (Radi Allahu Anhu)


Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) was an Abyssinian slave of a disbeliever in Mecca. His conversion to Islam was, naturally, not liked by his master and he was, therefore, persecuted mercilessly. Ummayah bin Khalaf, who was the worst enemy of Islam, would make him lie down on the burning sand at midday and would place a heavy stone on his breast, so that he could not even move a limb. He would then say to him:“Renounce Islam or swelter and die.”

Even under these afflictions, Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) would exclaim:-

Ahad“-The One (Allah). “Ahad“-The One (Allah).

He was whipped at night and with the cuts thus received, made to lie on the burning ground during the day to make him either forsake Islam or to die a lingering death from wounds. The torturers would get tired and take turns (Abu Jahl, Umayyah and others) and vie with one another in afflicting more and more painful punishment, but  Bilal (Radhiyallahu ‘anhu) would not yield. At last Abu Bakr (Radhiyallahu ‘anhu) bought his freedom, and he became a free Muslim.

As Islam taught implicitly the oneness of the Almighty Creator, while the idolaters of Mecca believed in many gods and goddesses with minor godlings, therefore Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) repeated:

Ahad” (The One), “Ahad” (The One).

He was later bought (by paying a huge amount) and freed by Abu Bakr R.A. and after being freed Bilal R.A. said: I would respond differently to different threats and demands but I noticed that one thing angered Umayya bin Khalaf, in particular and that was “Ahadun”. And how Bilal knew it angered his master the most? Umayya would beat him the hardest when he said these words; so, that was that for Bilal; he didn’t say anything other than “Ahadun Ahad” after that! That’s like saying ‘bring it on’!

There are horrible tales of torture from the Makkan era and everyone who was tortured at one point or another gave up and was forced into submission (albeit temporary) EXCEPT Bilal. This giant of a man, this weak, famished and naked black slave didn’t give up. He was tortured in the desert, was dragged through Makkah with a rope tied to his neck, was beaten by the common folk; but he kept saying just one word AHAD, AHAD, AHAD” (One, One, One) His proclamation of  Oneness of Allah echoed through Makkah when no one else declared it publicly. At a time when no one could even whisper ‘la ilaha illAllah’ Bilal was SHOUTING it at the top of his lungs.

So, what did Bilal R.A. get? Well for starters; He got Jannah, that’s pretty huge I’d say, right? But Allah doesn’t leave those who do good even in this dunya. Who is Bilal R.A.? This is the Moaddhin of RasulAllah ; NEVER in his life did RasulAllah ﷺ lead a prayer whose adhaan was not given by Bilal. Adhaan, which declares Allah’s oneness across the world and across every single moment that passes, reminds of Bilal.

After fateh Makkah, there was only one voice that rose from the top of the Kabah, the same voice that shouted The Oneness of Allah (Tawheed) in the days of torture was the one that was given the charge of announcing it on the day of victory. Islam won that day, so did Bilal R.A.. He came back home; the same place where he would shout Ahad


MUSAB IBN UMAIR (Radi Allahu Anhu).

Mus‘ab bin ‘Umair was a very handsome young man with a pair of natural Blue eyes. He was the son of ‘Umair who was a wealthy person. He brought up his son in quite a luxurious fashion. He was the flower of the Quraish, the most handsome and youthful! Historians and narrators describe him as “The most charming of the Makkans”.

Despite his wealth, status, and beauty, Mus’ab’s pure heart was inclined to a higher purpose. He accepted Islam and was tortured by his own mother. She put shackles on him and imprisoned him there until he heard the news of the emigration of some of the believers to Abyssinia. He thought to himself and was able to delude his mother and his guards, and so escaped to Abyssinia.

Six young men, including Musab Ibn Umair, changed humanity forever by embracing Islam and spreading its teachings to Medina, despite their young age and lack of power.

Musab's love for the Prophet ﷺ and his dedication to spreading Islam inspired others to embrace the faith and paved the way for the early Muslim community.

He was the first envoy of Islam, bravely shouting the messages of Islam to the people all around. At the battle of Uhud, He was martyred. Musab Ibn Umair's unwavering determination and bravery in holding the flag despite losing both his hands and eventually his life is a testament to the strength of faith and commitment to the cause.

The Man Who Gave It All He lost everything he had of this world when he embraced Islam. And long after he lost his life for that same cause, the companions themselves would regularly be brought to tears remembering his sacrifices.


UMM KHALLAD (when her husband, son & brother died)

Umm Khallad R.A., witnessed the battle of Uhud with her husband, son and brother. When all the three were martyred, the noble female Companion carried them on her camel and headed back (with them) toward Madinah.

'A'ishah R.A. met her at a point on the way and she said to Umm Khallad: "You have a camel, what is there behind you?" Umm Khallad said: "As for the Prophet, he is safe. Every affliction beside his is inconsequential and Allah chose some of the believers as martyrs."

'A'ishah said: "Who are these?" She replied: "My brother, my son, & my husband Amr bin Al-Jamuh."

"Where are you going with them?" 'A'ishah asked. "I am going to Madinah to burry them there." Then she drove her camel to make it follow her but she could not. But whenever she drove it toward the spot of their killing, it moved swiftly.

The Prophet ﷺ waited until they were buried then he said: "Amr bin AI-Jamuh, your- son khallad and your brother, 'Abdullah will be together in Paradise." Umm Khallad said: Allah's Messenger, pray that I am joined with them." and he prayed for her.


HANZALAH (Radi Allahu Anhu)

Hanzala, who was newly married, left his wife’s bed for Ji ha âd. He set out the moment he heard of the call to Ji ha âd. When he faced the idolaters on the battlefield, he made his way through their ranks till he reached their leader Abu Sufyan Sakhr bin Harb and had almost killed him, if he had not been ordained to be a martyr. For at that moment he was seen by Shaddad bin Al-Aswad who struck him to death.

After the Battle of Uhud when the Sahabahs were searching for the dead bodies of their fellow mates who were martyred, they found the dead body of Hanzala.

Hanzala was killed, and the angels washed him, he got married and consummated his marriage. He ran out of the house without making Ghusl, when he heard the call for ji ha ad.

The Sahabas missed the coffin of Hanzalah, they sought it and found that it was on a spot nearby with water dripping off it. The Messenger of Allâh ﷺ told his Companions that the angels were washing him and said: “Ask his wife”. They asked her and she confirmed that he had been in a state of ceremonial impurity. That was why Hanzalah was called ‘Ghaseel Al-Malâ’ikah’ (i.e. the one washed by the angels). [Za’d Al-Ma’ad 2/94]

May Allah give us the hidayah to make the sacrifices needs to help the Ummah.


  1. Do not have to memorize the Ayahs & ahadeeth word for word but get a good understanding about what it means and the message in it.


Please do this assignment before taking the test, there will be a question asked about the Assignment worth 10 marks in the test: -


Invite atleast 15 people to the course (can invite via WhatsApp, Facebook, Email, telegram or word of mouth) 3 Marks. (check the note below for exceptions)


  • Those who have already invited whether on Whatsapp, Email or FB, do not need to invite again.

  • It does not matter, whether people join or not, our job is to invite.

II. Talk to 5 people (friends or family) about any three topics below mentioned below: - (5 Marks)

  • i. What weakens the Ummah

  • ii. Sunan that strengthens Unity

  • iii. How our sins effect the Ummah.


III. Make Dua for the Muslims that are being oppressed around the world and also for those who are not to get their acts right and start helping the Ummah. (2 Marks)


Please take this assignment as a motivation to start talking about Islam and make it part of your regular day (even if you do not know too much, spread the little that you know, as the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said “Convey from me, even if it is one verse”, most of us are too shy to talk about Islam but are ok to talk about anything under the sky.


May Allah make us all amongst those who call others to good by spreading the Deen of Allah and help us in this noble path.


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