A Fundamental Principle

We should know that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam was sent by Allah to the whole of mankind, to explain and to make clear to them all that which is good and brings one closer to Allah; and also to explain to them all that is evil and would distance a person from Allah. The reason for this being, that life - with all its variety, colours and manifestations - is built upon two important matters: - Firstly: Knowing the good - in order to follow it. Secondly: Knowing the evil - in order to keep away from it.

So, for example, in the matter of Tawhid of Allah (to single out Allah alone for worship) - the crux of Islam - it is built on iman (faith) in Allah and the rejection of shirkkufr and taghutIman in Allah is good, whilst belief in at-taghut is evil. Thus, it is a must to recognize that which is good in order to follow it, whilst knowing also that which is evil so as to keep away from it. Likewise, in the matter of da'wah (calling) to Allah, which is built upon commanding the good (ma'ruf) and forbidding the evil (munkar). To command the ma'ruf is good and is to be followed, whilst munkar is evil and is to be shunned. Likewise, in ittiba' (following of) the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, which is built upon following his Sunnah and turning away from bid'ah (religious innovations). Sunnah is good and is to be followed, whilst bid'ah is evil and is to be shunned.



The Prophet ﷺ informed us of events which will befall this 'Ummah, some of these narrations speak of good for this 'Ummah - indicating also that the future, power and honour is for the Muslims; and that they will be established in the land. Other narrations warn us against those evil matters, that which would distance us from Allah - the Most High - and make us weak in front of the nations. Both these states i.e. of power and weakness are but results of our own actions.

We dream of a strong Muslim Ummah, one that is not oppressed or bullied. But the reality on the ground is the opposite. We are all tired of what we see in the news every day; war in Syria and Yemen, occupation & oppression in Palestine. It is both mentally draining and depressing to see the current state of the Ummah. One might naturally feel somewhat helpless and wonder why it has come to this. Whilst we living in relative peace and security, all feel the pain of our brothers and sisters around the world.

This is the situation of Muslims whether they live in a so called Muslim country or a Non-Muslim country. The trials for Muslims living in both types of lands vary though their fundamental responsibility remains the same—living their lives according to the will of Allah SWT, spreading goodness, and inviting others to Islam!

Of course, given how much we are shown in the news, many have become desensitized to many of these issues, and only awaken when a new or big incident occurs, over and above the day-to-day suffering and “normal” levels of injustice or violence.

Our usual reaction of anger and sadness often ends with a shrug of the shoulders, blaming our corrupt leadership and intending to make duʿā’ for those suffering or to make a donation. Or perhaps that level of anger might last slightly longer so much so that we attend a few protests and write to our local MPs to make our views heard, before slowly but surely getting back to normality. Life must go on, and we can only do so much after all.

Reflecting on the ḥadīth about the Ummah being a body, surely a sound and healthy body would overcome any aching limbs with ease. However if the body is neglected, it is only natural that more and more ailments will arise.

We need to each realise that every single sin we commit as individuals adds to the wider problem; harming the figurative body in the ḥadīth. Every time one of us neglects an obligatory act, that in itself is likely to have a direct impact on the Ummah as a whole, because when all of these are added up, what are we left with? The answer is a nation collectively living in disobedience to the Creator, and hence deserving of the leadership we face today.

If we are truly sincere in our desire to help our brothers and sisters in need around the world and see the status of the Ummah rise, we must take heed of Allah’s words and realise that we, as individuals, are very much part of the problem and can be very much part of the solution. Whatever our level of religious practice is, we all have faults and all need to work on ourselves. Striving to rectify our situations, or jihād, comes in many forms but begins with the basics of praying 5 times a day and abstaining from major sin, such as consuming alcohol, earning interest, back-biting, etc.

Every time we are faced with a decision about whether to commit a particular act and we know it is displeasing to Allāh, let us remember that we are not only harming our own Hereafter, but also adding to the suffering of others in this world. Perhaps one may be comfortable being heedless over their own affairs, but will at least think twice when it comes to others and that which they see with their own eyes today.



Allah SWT shakes things up to wake us up. The Ummah has fallen in deep heedlessness and has severed its connection with Allah SWT. Many falling in a deep state of shirk. We are all behaving as if Allah SWT does not exist anymore. Allah SWT has to remind us that He is there watching it all!

Please wake up before it is too late. We need an honest, truthful and real journey of iman towards Allah SWT. This is a call from Allah SWT—a reminder for some and a disgrace for others!

It is especially a reprimand for those Muslims who are born into this faith but have neglected it completely. Allah SWT is showing them that He SWT does not need them. Those Muslims who are supposed to be the standard bearers of this religion are hiding during difficult times and it is new-Muslims who are taking the lead in da’wah activities. It is high time we heed the warning of Allah SWT


And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people; then they will not be the likes of you. (Muhammed 47:38)

There is mercy in every act of Allah SWT. If we wake up and return to Him SWT and accept Islam as our responsibility, it will be a mercy for us. However, if we remain in the same state we are currently in then Allah SWT will abandon us and we will be replaced by those who are better than us; at that time it will no longer be a mercy, but a tribulation.


Lets do our part

Everywhere you go, you will come across Muslims who are complaining. They complain about America, about the United Nations, about the enemies, about our own schoalrs and the list goes on and on. Everyone is busy doing what they believe in. What about us? What are we doing?  

Shaytaan is doing his job. Can we keep complaining to Allah SWT that shaytaan is doing this or that? That is his job! He is doing what he is supposed to do!

What about you and me?

What are we doing?

What is our job?

It is evident that there are many plots against Islam but we have to believe without a doubt that Allah SWT is the best planner and that He can bring goodness from any tragedy. Sure the situation is bitter against us and the enemies of Islam are exploiting the situation, but we should not blame anybody because we also have work to do. If each one of us fulfils his responsibility, the situation will change!

The road ahead is tough but it is traversable. Today the highest jihad is to spread Islam through our example. The following actions will give you strength to remain focused and steady during this journey:

  • Sacrifice your income,

  • Sacrifice your time,

  • Set a role model wherever you may be,

  • Be kind and generous to your neighbors—both Muslims and Non-Muslims,

  • Sincerely pray to Allah SWT to save you. Allah is the savior, no one else!

It is time we stop pointing fingers to others and hold ourselves accountable. If each one of us starts changing ourselves, Allah SWT will surely change the conditions around us.

Do not play games any longer as Allah SWT can snatch iman from the hearts any moment, and then no duniya or government would be able to help us.

Today every Muslim has to be a nurse—well wishing caretaker—for Muslims and Non-Muslims alike. Most people do not mean ill, they are simply naïve. They do not know what is going on and they are not aware of their governments’ dirty policies and tactics underneath the table. They are overwhelmed with the race of duniya and do not question what they are told.

They are not the criminals, we are! We have the eyeglasses but neither do we wear them nor do we share them with others to allow them to see the true picture.



A Rallying Cry

We need Allah SWT on our side at all times. If we do not have Allah on our side, we will lose and will never succeed!

We have to remember that the time will get rougher, not easier. The only one who will be able to save us is Allah SWT. He SWT has the keys to reverse all situation; only if he wishes and ordains it, and only if we deserve it.

Do not worry or concern yourself about how you will die, instead worry about what the status of your heart will be when you die. Death is not a big deal; big deal is how you will meet Allah SWT and how people will remember you.

Don’t be concerned about what the enemies of Islam will do to you. Be concerned about what Allah SWT will do to you!

Let this call be a call of mercy to you and not of disgrace. Embrace Islam, show your Islam, build iman and yaqeen, give Allah SWT dignity by accepting the responsibility of His deen on earth, do all that you can for Islam before your time runs out.

Remember, this earth will either be a witness to us or against us!


May Allah give us all the Hidayah to do our best and forgive us for our shortcomings.


In this course we will learn about…

  • Reasons of the Ummah becoming weak

  • Tests & Trials

  • Unity (Sunnahs & causes of disunity)

  • Strengthening the Ummah

  • When will the Help of Allah come

  • Promises of Allah

  • Enjoining Good & forbid Evil

  • Patience & Rewards

  • Victory



  1. Do not have to memorize the Ayahs & ahadeeth word for word but get a good understanding about what it means and the message in it.

  2. Remember the guidelines.


Please do this assignment before taking the test, there will be a question asked about the Assignment worth 10 marks in the test: -


I. Invite atleast 15 people to the course (can invite via WhatsApp, Facebook, Email, telegram or word of mouth) 3 Marks. (check the note below for exceptions)


  • Those who have already invited whether on Whatsapp, Email or FB, do not need to invite again.

  • It does not matter, whether people join or not, our job is to invite.

II. Talk to 5 people (friends or family) about any three topics below mentioned below: - (5 Marks)

  • i. What weakens the Ummah

  • ii. Sunan that strengthens Unity

  • iii. How our sins effect the Ummah.


III. Make Dua for the Muslims that are being oppressed around the world and also for those who are not to get their acts right and start helping the Ummah. (2 Marks)


Please take this assignment as a motivation to start talking about Islam and make it part of your regular day (even if you do not know too much, spread the little that you know, as the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said “Convey from me, even if it is one verse”, most of us are too shy to talk about Islam but are ok to talk about anything under the sky.


May Allah make us all amongst those who call others to good by spreading the Deen of Allah and help us in this noble path.


If you benefit from courses by LEARN ISLAM and want to support us, please do so by buying the book FORGOTTEN SUNNAHS written by Abu Sahl Al Ansari (the founder and admin of LEARN ISLAM).


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