yourself & the UMMAH


Believers in Islam must take care of their spiritual, emotional and physical health. 


Where do we – the Ummah - stand?

We read about Bilal R.A. and his great endurance in yesterday’s class, some people tend to just brush it aside thinking that the Sahaba were some kind of super humans. No! They were not! They were Super Muslims! They had this great level of emaan, love for Allah, and hope of His Paradise that they did not value this duniya.

Where do our men stand? Forget all that torture, the majority of us would break in one slap from the enemy, we neither have the physical strength nor spiritual to go through while still being a thankful slave of Allah. An amazing hadeeth that we should all remember…

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “On the Day of Resurrection, when people who had suffered affliction are given their reward, those who were well (in this life) will wish their skins had been cut to pieces with scissors when they were in the world.” (Tirmidhi, Sahih). 

So we need to build our emaan and endurance and strive to do good with the hope of rewards in this world and the next.


Strengthen your Emaan

As we read in the previous class the most important thing to strengthen is your Emaan, with Emaan will come the will to prepare and do your best for the Sake of Allah.

We also read that the best example of Emaan & physical endurance is that of the Sahaba. So let us read what inspired them.



1. Unshakable Belief in Allâh. The first and foremost factor is no doubt, unshakable Belief in Allâh Alone coupled with a wonderful degree of perception of His Attributes. A man with this Belief deeply averred in his heart will look at those foreseen difficulties as triflings and can under no circumstance compare with the sweetness of Belief:

Then, as for the foam, it passes away as scum upon the banks, while that which is for the good of mankind remains in the earth.” (13:17)

2. Wholeheartedly-loved leadership. Muhammad ﷺ the great leader of the Muslim community, and mankind at large, was an exemplary man in his perfect manners and noble attributes; no one could measure up to his endowments of nobility, honesty, trustworthiness and abstinence; unanimously and uncontestedly acknowledged even by his enemies.

Ummah today: We just sit and blame our leaders.Remember we are all shepherds of our herds (families, employees, etc) and firstly we should do our part that is to lead them by example. Imagine the great state of our society, if all of us do our own job properly rather than just blaming others and failing at our own job.

3. The sense of responsibility. The Companions were fully aware of the daunting responsibility they were expected to shoulder. They were also convinced that those charges were inescapable even though they were being persecuted for fear of the far-reaching ramifications, and the horrible impact that humanity would suffer in case they shirked their obligations.

Ummah today: We blame the leaders, scholars and anyone possible of not fulfilling their duties, but our key point of failure is that we do not take responsibility. Remember Allah will question us of what we did not what others did. Take responsibility and do whatever you can and keep doing it. The Prophet ﷺ said, “Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately……, and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little." (Bukhari)


4. Unwavering Belief in the truth of the Hereafter. This was the corner-stone that strengthened their sense of responsibility. There was a deep certainty established through the light of their religion that one day they would have to rise on the Day of Resurrection and account for all worldly deeds, small or big. They were sure that their future in the other world would depend wholly on their acts in their provisional life on earth, either to everlasting Garden (Paradise) or perpetual chastisement in Hell. Their whole life was divided between hope for Allâh’s mercy and fear of His punishment.

… Who give that (their charity) which they give (and also do other good deeds) with their hearts full of fear (whether their alms and charities, etc., have been accepted or not), because they are sure to return to their Lord.” [23:60]

Ummah Today: We build this world as an eternal life, we plan and work hard to build a paradise for ourselves here and not preparing for the hereafter.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever is focused on the Hereafter, Allah will make him feel content with his lot and grant him peace of mind, and his provision and worldly gains will come to him regardless (of circumstances, obstacles or people). Whoever is focused only on this world, Allah will make him fear poverty constantly and confound his affairs, and he will not get anything of this world except that which has been decreed for him.” (Tirmidhi)

With regard to the words “he will not get anything of this world except that which has been decreed for him” what is meant is that caring too much and being too eager for worldly gains will not increase a person in benefit no matter how much he exerts himself for the sake of worldly gain, because his provision has already been decreed and written. So the wise person must be content with seeking worldly provision in ways that are prescribed in Islamic teachings, without being eager for more.

We should learn about the Heaven & Hell, the great rewards and punishments so that it will help us do good and stay away from evil. This course is available for free on our website

5. The Qur’ân. The Qur’ânic verses served to excite the feelings of the believers, strengthen their selves on their course of patience and endurance and introduce them to the most purposeful examples and suggestive instructions.

  • Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along with him said, ‘When (will come) the Help of Allâh?’ Yes! Certainly, the Help of Allâh is near!” [2:214]

  • Alif-Lam-Mim. Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: ‘We believe’, and will not be tested. And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allâh will certainly make (it) known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although Allâh knows all that before putting them to test).” [29: 1-3]

Ummah Today: We are away from the Quran, very very few of us recite it regularly (that should be the bare minimum), sadly even fewer try to understand it and implement it.

My dear brothers & sisters in Islam, please recite, understand, implement & propogate the Quran, it’s the word of your Lord. There is no speech greater. It is your Lord speaking to you, listen and obey. It is great source of strength.

6. Glad tidings of success. What is Success?

The ultimate goal, or true success in Islam is to bring humans to a close personal relationship in this life with their creator. Allah has created each and every one of us to live our lives on this earth for a time, but after that, it has been ordained by Allah that we return to Him. And Allah (swt) says (interpretation of the meaning is): "....Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden, will have indeed have been successful]" (Aale-Imran 3:185)

The Ultimate Result is The Criterion 

Not alike are the inmates of the fire and the dwellers of the garden (jannah): the dwellers of the garden (jannah) are they that are the achievers. (Surah Al Hadeed 59:20)

So, success and failure is based on the ‘ultimate’ result. If we are a millionaire or a king in this finite world but end up in hell-fire in the infinite life, then we are a looser. Also, the finite success here as compared to the infinite failure in the next world is negligible. This is similar to division by infinity in mathematics.

So who are the Successful? 

Allah says in Quran (interpretation of the meaning is…) "And the first to embrace Islam of the Muhajiroon (the Emigrants from Makkah) and the Ansar (the citizens of Al-Madeenah who helped the Muhajiroon) and also those who followed them exactly (in Faith). Allah is well-pleased with them as they are well pleased with Him. He has prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever. That is the supreme success." [9:100]

SubhaanAllah if we notice Allah says He will be pleased with “those who followed them…” and also says it is “Supreme Success”.

Ummah Today: We follow anyone and everyone but not the Sahaba, study and implement Islam as was done by the Sahaba so that we come under the “those who followed them”.

Mere lip profession of Faith is not enough. It must be tried and tested in the real turmoil of life. The test will be applied in all kinds of circumstances, in individual life and in relation to the environment around us to see whether we can strive constantly and put the Lord above self. Much pain, sorrow and self-sacrifice may be necessary, not because they are good in themselves, but because they will purify us, like fire applied to a goldsmith’s crucible to burn out the dross.


Physical Strength

Virtue and Importance of Strength in Islam

Believers in Islam must take care of their spiritual, emotional and physical health. Our bodies, the most complex of machines, are given to us by Allah as a trust. They should not be abused or neglected but maintained in good order. Islam lays emphasis on a simple diet combined with physical exercise.

Fulfilling the obligations of three of the five pillars of Islam requires that Muslims be of sound health and fitness. The daily performance of five prayers is in itself a form of exercise, its prescribed movements involve all the muscles and joints of the body, and concentration in prayer relieves mental stress.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, although both are good. Strive to do that which will benefit you and seek the help of Allaah…” (Muslim 2664)

Also the Messenger ﷺ praised good health and even regarded it as more important than money. He ﷺ said, ‘There is nothing wrong with riches for one who fears Allaah, but good health is better for one who fears Allaah than riches, and being in good spirits is a blessing.’” (Ibn Maajah, Ahmad; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani)

This strength includes both physical strength and strength of faith.

Having physical strength along with the needed spirituality, health and soundness helps a person to worship Allah by praying, fasting, performing Hajj, striving in His cause, and so on. Being physically weak and sick is an impediment in doing many acts of worship.

A true believer recognizes the wonder of the human body and is grateful to the Creator. This gratitude is shown in the care and attention given to maintaining optimum health. Islam’s holistic approach to health covers all aspects of the mind, body and soul. A truly health conscious person blends diet, nutrition and exercise with the remembrance of Allah and an intention to fulfill all their religious obligations.


Sunnah recommends to Strengthen Physically

The Prophet ﷺ and his Companions were naturally physically fit. Life was tougher, long distances were covered on foot, men hunted and farmed their food to survive, and there were no useless recreations to produce laziness and waste many hours of otherwise constructive time. The 21st century contains many distractions and forms of entertainment that encourage laziness and induce ill health.

Although advanced technology has many benefits, it is important that time is not wasted in front of the television screen or game console to the detriment of our health. It has been conclusively proven that obesity in children increases the more hours they watch television. Other studies have indicated that this is equally true for adults. Exercise on the other hand has many benefits.


Health is the biggest blessing

After Islam/Imaan, one of the biggest blessings from Allah S.W.T. is good health. We can easily say after Islam, the biggest blessing is health, the ability to see, hear, touch, walk, work perfectly is a blessing from Allah, that we cannot thank Allah enough for.

Ibn al-Qayyim said, "Since health is one of the most precious favours Allaah has given to His servants, the most generous of His gifts, and most plentiful of His bounties, any more, absolute health is the most precious of all favours, without exception - it is fitting that whoever is granted a portion of this good fortune, to cherish, preserve and to guard it against harm. The Prophet ﷺ said, “There are two blessings which many people waste: health and free time" (Sahih Bukhari)

In the Sunnah we see that the Prophet ﷺ maintained habits that were all very healthy.

Opt for healthy living, opt for Sunnah living.


Healthy Habits from the Sunnah

  • Brisk Walk (Tirmidhi)

  • Early to Bed, Early to Rise

  • Voluntary Fasts

  • Hijama - Cupping

  • Sports for Strength,  The Prophet ﷺ wrestled, raced with his wife, Archery, swimming and horse riding

  • Diet and Nutrition. Eating less a solution to most problems



One of the most common misused sentences by the people of the Ummah today is “What can we do?” We complain about the lack of power and impact. Although that is just an excuse from taking responsibility and doing your own bit, but for argument sake even if we say ok you cannot make an impact there but no one can deny the impact you can make on your children and that the children can make a change in the future. The Prophet ﷺ said, "Beware. Every one of you is a shepherd and everyone is answerable with regard to his flock. The Caliph is a shepherd over the people and shall be questioned about his subjects (as to how he conducted their affairs). A man is a guardian over the members of his family and shal be questioned about them (as to how he looked after their physical and moral well-being). A woman is a guardian over the household of her husband and his children and shall be questioned about them (as to how she managed the household and brought up the children). …..." (Sahih Muslim)

Our children are an amanah (trust) on to us from Allah: it’s our duty to nurture, educate and protect them as they grow into productive adults. It’s very important to take some time out to ponder and reflect on the part you are playing or have played in your children’s journey of life. Do your children know their relationship with their Creator? Remember: all that they do will be written down, and when their book is presented on the Day of Accountability – the contents will be based on your work! Ask yourself: what are you doing to ensure that your children’s book will reflect righteous deeds, good character and true success?

How confident do you feel about reporting back to Allah and being able to say: ”Allah I raised my children with ihsan (excellence) to the best of my ability in accordance and obedience to Your laws.” What a wonderful feeling will this be? How do we perform the most important role on earth?

Our goals should be:

  • To establish the oneness of Allah in their hearts

  • To love the Prophet ﷺ

  • To strengthen them and teach them life skills and values that will see them into adulthood



We have many routines for our children including morning, school, homework and bedtime routines. How much emphasis do we put on Islamic routines?  Take some time out to draw up an Islamic routine for your children that looks like the following:

  • Teach your children to stay awake after fajr (depending on the salah times during the year): the Prophet ﷺ stayed back after fajr and had beneficial discussions with the sahabah (Companions).

  • Get them to read/memorize a portion of the Qur’an in the morning and/or evening.

  • Get them to reflect on a verse of the Qur’an or a hadith everyday.

  • Get them in the habit of reading the du’aas the Prophet ﷺ read before going to bed, waking up from sleep, eating, etc. Get your children to choose a hadith or du’aa once a week and stick it up on the wall with its meaning for the whole family to learn. Don’t forget the rewards!

  • Establish the extreme importance of salah The Prophet ﷺ said: “Teach your children to pray when they are seven and punish them for neglecting it when they reach the age of ten.” [Abu Dawud]



  • Establish an Islamic identity at home

  • Help/Push them become brave

  • Teach them to speak up and stand for Justice

  • Condone a Victim Mentality.

  • Prepare them for responsibility



  • Outdoor Activities

Please, please, o my brothers and sisters in Islam, please get your children involved in physical activities, restrict their video games to a small part of their time (if at all) and encourage them to play outside. Kids need physical activity to build strength, coordination, and confidence. The sun, sand and other natural factors help in strengthening their bodies and immune systems along with increasing their strength and endurance.

When kids are active, their bodies can do the things they want and need them to do.

Physically active kids also are more likely to be motivated, focused, and successful. And mastering physical skills builds confidence at every age. Teach your children swimming, horse riding, gardening, enroll your kids in physical activities like karate, football and other games that will build their strength and stamina.

  • Nutrition

Our mother’s main focus would be to work hard to cook and provide nutritious food for our children. But with the changing trends, shortage of time (or so it is perceived) and readily available snacks we have given up making the efforts and commonly see that children today eat so much sugar and processed food which are greatly unhealthy.

Another unhealthy habit commonly seen is that we focus on filling the children by making them watch TV/mobile while eating. This is done so that we can get it over with asap and are free to do our own things, but this more often than not results in over eating which is unhealthy for the children.

It is not easy to go all organic, but do cut down as much as possible on processed and junk food. Make them eat their portions in time but never allow over eating or eating just to kill time. Make them eat healthy and on time.

  • Volunteer

Once our children feel comfortable within our Muslim community, we should expand into our community as a whole. Volunteering is an excellent way to teach our children to be productive citizens. Doing good for others, gives children a sense of accomplishment. Relate to them Ayahs and Hadith how Allah is pleased with them because of this.

  • Let them work them work it.

Whatever it is they desire, make sure they are required to put forth a little effort and endure some type of sacrifice to get it. Whether it’s giving up free time to earn extra money for a purchase, or putting in extra work to get some candy. The sooner your children internalize this truth, the better equipped they’ll be to overcome obstacles and achieve.


Make Dua’a for them

As parents, it goes without saying that we need to constantly make du’aa for our children. It was the practice of the Prophets like Ibrahim A.S. and Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

One of the goals of Muslim parents is to have pious children that will pray for them once they have left this world – can you say your child will remember to make du’aa for you when you have gone?

Pray to the Most High to bless and protect your children. As Allah taught us in the Qur’an to supplicate:

رَبِّ ٱجۡعَلۡنِى مُقِيمَ ٱلصَّلَوٰةِ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِى‌ۚ رَبَّنَا وَتَقَبَّلۡ دُعَآءِ

Rabbi-Ajal'ni muqeema salaati, wa min Dhurriyyati, rabbana wataqabbal duaa

My Lord, make me an establisher of prayer, and [many] from my descendants. Our Lord, and accept my supplication. [14:40]

رَبَّنَا هَبۡ لَنَا مِنۡ أَزۡوَٲجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّـٰتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعۡيُنٍ۬ وَٱجۡعَلۡنَا لِلۡمُتَّقِينَ إِمَامًا

Rabbana Hablana min Azwaajina wa Dhuriyyatina Qurrata A’yunin waj’alna lil- Muttaqina Imama

“Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.” [25:74]

When you pray, you are submitting to Allah and handing your children’s care to the All-Powerful.



Having a lot of children

The Prophet “Marry those who are loving and fertile, for I will be proud of your great numbers before the other nations.” (Abu Dawood)

And do not worry about their rizq, that is from Allah. Each child comes with his/her own rizq and you will be blessed by it.

Another important and halal means of increasing the number is the Practicing Muslims engage in Polygyny (conditions apply). Do not just get into it saying it is Sunnah, a man needs to be strong mentally, physically and financially to be able to take this responsibility but if there is a good man who is good in his deen and character then polygyny is something that would benefit the Ummah. Recommend you to read this for the dos & donts with regards to Polygyny,

Please join our free Certificate course ISLAMIC PARENTING, to learn a little more in detail about the above topics. : (available online now, register and learn)


May Allah make us focus on the aakhirah and put our main efforts to make our children better not just for their own good but for us as the children would be the main source of Sawaab-e-Jaariya for the parents.  


  1. Do not have to memorize the Ayahs & ahadeeth word for word but get a good understanding about what it means and the message in it.

  2. Remember the sunnahs and tips


Please do this assignment before taking the test, there will be a question asked about the Assignment worth 10 marks in the test: -


Invite atleast 15 people to the course (can invite via WhatsApp, Facebook, Email, telegram or word of mouth) 3 Marks. (check the note below for exceptions)


  • Those who have already invited whether on Whatsapp, Email or FB, do not need to invite again.

  • It does not matter, whether people join or not, our job is to invite.

II. Talk to 5 people (friends or family) about any three topics below mentioned below: - (5 Marks)

  • i. What weakens the Ummah

  • ii. Sunan that strengthens Unity

  • iii. How our sins effect the Ummah.


III. Make Dua for the Muslims that are being oppressed around the world and also for those who are not to get their acts right and start helping the Ummah. (2 Marks)


Please take this assignment as a motivation to start talking about Islam and make it part of your regular day (even if you do not know too much, spread the little that you know, as the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said “Convey from me, even if it is one verse”, most of us are too shy to talk about Islam but are ok to talk about anything under the sky.


May Allah make us all amongst those who call others to good by spreading the Deen of Allah and help us in this noble path.


If you benefit from courses by LEARN ISLAM and want to support us, please do so by buying the book FORGOTTEN SUNNAHS written by Abu Sahl Al Ansari (the founder and admin of LEARN ISLAM).


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