Allah Says: -
Aisha (R.A) said:
The first thing that was revealed thereof was about Paradise and the Fire. When the people embraced Islam, the Verses regarding legal and illegal things were revealed. If the first thing to be revealed was: 'Do not drink alcoholic drinks.' people would have said, 'We will never leave alcoholic drinks,' and if there had been revealed, 'Do not commit illegal sexual intercourse, 'they would have said, 'We will never give up illegal sexual intercourse.' (Bukhari)
So it was the Love of Paradise and the fear of Hell Fire that made people abide by the LAWS OF ALLAH... If that was being said about the Best of People (The Sahaba), what about us?
So it is more so important for us to know about the Heaven in the best way possible so that we strive for it to the best of our abilities it is a must for us to know what are the punishments in Hell fire so that the very thought of sinning should remind us of the punishments and make us stay away from it.
InShaAllah in the Course we will study the following subjects: -
Day of Judgement
How to stay away from Allah's wrath that would lead to the Hell
Easy deeds that can lead to Paradise InShaAllah
Class Curriculum
First Section
Class 1 - "Death"
Class 2 - Grave
Class 3 - 'DAY OF JUDGEMENT' (Destruction of Universe, Resurrection, Terrors of The Day, State of the Ppl)
Class 4 - 'DAY OF JUDGEMENT - 2' (State of Sinners & Pious and The Reckoning)
Class 5 - Description of Paradise - 1
Quiz - Mid Terms
Second Section
Class 6 - Description of Paradise - 2
Class 7 - Ease deeds that can lead one to Paradise
Class 8 - Description of Hell - 1
Class 9 - Description of Hell - 2
Class 10 - Save yourself from Hell Fire
Quiz - Final Exam
Alhamdulillah. After doing this course I learned many things which I didn’t know was soo convenient if some one want to know something admin of this page helped. The best thing of this page their notes which they give is very informative, they give important information which is important to know. I like the most of this course is the 9th class “Attain Jannah”, where I learned dua & dhikr which Allah love most, where I got to know to attain jannah what I have to do. So I will say this page is very beneficial to learn Islam.may Allah accept their deed. Ameen
Mahbuba Rima
Subhanallah!!!!!!!!!!!!! The course is awesome.
Alhamdulillah!!!!!! we gained knowledge. And tried to pass this knowledge to others. May Allah SWT help us to follow what we learn.
MashaAllah!!!!!!!!!!!! Every thing was so convenient.
Umm Mohammad
Alhamdulilah I am so glad we Muslims have our brothers who love to provide knowledge to others and also who strive for others to achieve the actual and real knowledge with concrete evidences from the Quran and Sunnah
I benefited from this course namely AFTERLIFE and all others first and foremost increasing in taqwa and also knowledge which also i spread to family and friends.
Qassim Mazrui