Tawheed is the foundation upon which this upright religion has been built, so focusing on it means to focus on the very core itself. For if we were to reflect over the Noble Qur'aan we would find that it expounds on issues of tawheed repetitively, so much so that there does not exist a single surah in the Qur'aan that does not mention tawheed, clarifying it and prohibiting what opposes it.

Covers all topics in a simple but interactive Q&A method. Questions about belief, worship & Shirk all answered in a concise yet comprehensive manner.





Class Curriculum

First Section

Class 1 - Why Tawheed?

Class 2 - What/Where/Why of Basics of Tawheed?

Class 3 - Major Shirk & its types

Class 4 - Minor Shirk, Kufr & Hypocrisy & their types  

Quiz - Mid Terms

Second Section

Class 5 - Intercession, Striving, Wala and Hukm

Class 6 - Taghut & Contradicting aspects of ones' Islam  

Class 7 - Living According to the Quran & Sunnah  

Class 8 - Bidah

Quiz - Final Exam


This course is very useful for muslims of any background - beginner and advanced alike.. As for myself coming from the salafi background studies, it has served to be a revision and refreshers. I like the online platform that was used by the school as it is much more user friendly in comparison to others.. I am happy that that the materials are too laxed or easy peasy (to be honest its not) so that there is a sense of "a need to improve" in weak areas of understanding. All in all, feel that the laymen ummah and people who have decided to deepen their understanding of the deen can indeed benefit from this online platform.

Mohamed Hadinata Bin Roslan - Singapore

Alhamdulilah these courses are a blessing you can download them and print to share with others. Very helpful May Allah bless this website and those involvement in facilitating. Ameen

Sakinah Mohammed  - U.S.A

Many times I read about Islam, the fundamentals but it slips the mind as I don't concentrate enough. And about tawheed and salah, I came to know of many new things I did not know. Honestly, I have never been more happy about Islam. The notes of tawheed subject has greatly influenced my belief in Allah. 

Bushra Mubeen

This course has increased my emaan and level of faith.. ^_^ Tawheed is the only thing in your life that confronts you with the purpose of your life.

Lubna Sahar