We study Fiqh of Ramadan when Ramadan approaches, we study Rulings of Hajj when we plan to go for Hajj but when do we study the Rulings about Death, Funerals and how we can benefit our Dead? Surely cannot do so when it approaches, as no one but Allah knows when and how it will come.
In this course we will study about
- what we should do if we or others are on Death Bed
- How to react to Death
- Funeral Prayer
- Funeral Procession
- How to benefit the Dead
- Will and Distribution of Wealth
- How to prepare for a Good End
Class Curriculum
First Section
Class 1 - Death
Class 2 - Always keep the will ready
Class 3 - Death Bed
Class 4 - Reacting to death in family
Class 5 - Condolence to the family of the deceased
Quiz - Mid Terms
Second Section
Class 6 - Funeral Procession (Ghusl, Shrouding & Burial)”
Class 7 - Funeral Prayer
Class 8 - Inheritance & Distribution of the Estate
Class 9 - Benefiting the Dead
Class 10 - Want a Good End - Live a Good life.
Quiz - Final Exam
SubhanaAllah i don't know where to begin because with the 2 weeeks course I have learned so much only Allah knows.
What I liked about this course is the fact that it teaches me one thing about death we should not fear death but rather we should prepare for it, so that we all have a good ending In Sha Allah. To be honest when I first saw the heading “BENEFITING THE DEAD”; i was scared but as i continued it became easier for me to understand Alhamdulilah. And I was so eager to learn on how to benefit my father who passed away 3 years ago and Allah answered my prayers with this course SubhanaAllah Alhamdulilah.
Through this course i have benefited a lot SubhanaAllah I did not know the sunnah of the burial and so many others. But Alhamdulilah now I see things differently and understand more about the teachings of our beloved prophet (s.a.w).
The two weeks for me where heartbreaking but at the same time it was one of the best things that happened to me Alhamdulilah.
Samantha Rothbletz
Alhamdulillah it has been an amazing experience learning with LEARN ISLAM. The course benefited me alot, cleared all my doubts, and will keep me away from all sorts of bidah I was involved in. Now i can atleast pray the funeral prayer for people i know and I don’t. May Allah reward the learn Islam team for their efforts.
Saria Nasir
The course was excellent, it was very well organised, very informative, very well presented. Many people don’t pay attention to the importance of issues following soon after the death and the death itself and because of that they are not well equipped to deal with the situation and fall into so many innovations.
Also, the funeral procession details and funeral prayer itself was very useful and important and as a result of this course I got to learn several useful duas as well.
Syed Hasan Bilaluddin
“Benefiting the dead” this is the topic I always wanted to study about since my real aunt passed away 6years ago. Bought a Urdu book as well but couldn’t read it. The course was wonderful, very informative and comprehensive mashaallah. A Few things I already knew but got to know lot more including proper way of ghusl and also have learnt to avoid so many biddahs we are practicing since ages regarding funerals.
Atiya Arshad
Allhumdullilah really beneficial topic! I think it is a topic which every Muslim should be aware of and know it. We need to be prepared. SubhanALLAH the course materails, the lessons prepared were very meticulously collected and presented.
The major points + practical points covered without getting into controversial issues or any unnecessary information!
Always would be pleased to be a part of #learnislam! In sha ALLAH!
Nida Mokashi