In this chapter we will deal with those matters which invalidates the Emaan of a Mu’min and which takes him out of the company of belivers and into the circle of disbelievers.

Allah has made access to Emaan and Islam by affirmation with the tounge and acceptance by the Heart of the Shahadah. Any one who embraces Islam by this channel will not step out of belief unless he says, acts or believes in something which contradicts his previous affirmation and acceptance of Shahadah. 


The things which lead to the abandonment of the religion of Allah, are divided into 4 kinds.


1- The denial or refutation of Allah’s unity of Lordship


2- The refutation of Allah’s unity and His Attributes


3- The refutation of Allah’s unity of worship 


4- The denial of the Message of The prophet or his slander


Each encompasses forms of actions, sayings and beliefs which negate the Shahaadatayan and take a person out of the fold of Islam. We ask Allah to save us from that!


The First Kind of Denial

The first kind of Tawheed is Unity of Allah in his Rububiyya and His Sovereignty, Al-mulk. That is, that Allah is the Master and the Creator of the Universe. The Provide for all his creation, and that everything happens according to His will. knowledge and wisdom. Anybody who denies any of these characteristics of Allah either by sayings or action is a Kaafir and apostate. To deny that there is a Creator, or the world is old and not crated, or to attribute the creation of this world to other than Allah such as chance, nature or other things, to deny the Sovereignty of Allah over His creation, or to claim that provision and sustenance are from other than Allah, or to associate others with Him in them leads one to apostasy. It also covers those who claim that Allah crated His creation and neglected them, or that He does not preserve them or decree their affairs, It includes any thing which might violate any characteristic of Allah which have been revealed to us. 

It is an act of Kufr and apostasy if a person claims for himself any of these characteristic, as if to claim that he is the Lord. 

It is also an act of kafur and apostasy if a person claims to be the sovereign, the provider or to do anything by his own will and decree. Anyone else believing in this person’s claim is also a Kaafir and apostate.


The Second Kind of Denial

Apostasy may cover the refutation of the second kind of Twheed, Unity of Names and Attributes of Allah, We confirm those Attributes of Allah which He confirmed for Himself and which His Messenger Muhammad confirmed for Him, and reject those Attributes of Allah which He did not confirm for Him. One who denies or reject any of Allah’s Attributes which, He or His messenger has confirmed for Him, is a Kafir. He who seeks to confirm anything of Allah which His prophet did not confirm is a Kafir.


The Third Kind of Denial

This covers any saying, action or belief which negates the third kind of tawheed (Tawheed Al-Uluhiyya), Unity of worship. This Tawheed is the confirmation that Allah is worshipped. If a person says, does or believes in something which denies Allah this right to be worshipped and he rejects any of it or confirms part of it to other than Allah, he becomes a Kaafir and an apostate.

Most disbelievers have adopted Kufr because they deny the fact that only Allah deserves to be worshipped, whether this denial is in the heart, or by words or actions.


The Fourth Kind of Denial

It is any word, action or belief which refutes the message of the prophet or discredits him. It is anything which invalidates the testimony that Muhammed is the messenger of Allah. This testimony means we should believe everything confirmed by The Prophet as right and true. This testimony is annulled in two situations. The first is to refute the Prophet. The second is to deny or refute any of the message which was conveyed to the Prophet.


The Approval of Kufr is Kufr and the Disapproval of Islam is Kufr 


Ways in which one approves of Kufr: - 

1- Failing to call atheists, apostates and polytheists Kuffar


2- Helping the Kuffar against Muslims and giving consent to their religions


Two Manifestations of the Disapproval of Islam:-

The two manifestations that leads a person to apostasy and disbelief, even if he declares the Shahadah and considers himself to be a Muslim:-

  1. Mocking the principles of Islam. It includes Mock Allah, his messenger, Hs book or the believers because of their Emaan.

  2. The manifestation of animosity and fury when Allah or his messenger is mentioned, or the Quran is read or a known matter of religion is mentioned or referred to.

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