Tawheed is the foundation upon which this upright religion has been built, so focusing on it means to focus on the very core itself. For if we were to reflect over the Noble Qur'aan we would find that it expounds on issues of tawheed repetitively, so much so that there does not exist a single surah in the Qur'aan that does not mention tawheed, clarifying it and prohibiting what opposes it.
Class Curriculum
First Section
Class 1 - Why Tawheed?
Class 2 - What/Where/Why of Basics of Tawheed?
Class 3 - Major Shirk & its types
Class 4 - Minor Shirk, Kufr & Hypocrisy & their types
Class 5 - Intercession, Jihad, Wala and Hukm
Quiz - Mid Terms
Second Section
Class 6 - Taghut & Contradicting aspects of ones' Islam
Class 7 - Living According to the Quran & Sunnah
Class 8 - Bidah
Quiz - Final Exam
Many times I read about Islam, the fundamentals but it slips the mind as I don't concentrate enough. And about tawheed and salah, I came to know of many new things I did not know. Honestly, I have never been more happy about Islam. The notes of tawheed subject has greatly influenced my belief in Allah.
Bushra Mubeen
This course has increased my emaan and level of faith.. ^_^ Tawheed is the only thing in your life that confronts you with the purpose of your life.
Lubna Sahar