Weaknesses of Dajjaal
Ibn al-‘Uthaymīn says, “The Dajjaal is a deceitful man who will emerge toward the end of time claiming Lordship.”
But our Lord, Allah is free of any imperfection in His Being, names, attributes and actions.He is Quddoos (the Holy), Al Hameed (the Praiseworthy), Al Qaadir (the Able), At Tayyib (the Pure), Al Jameel (the Beautiful), As Subbooh (The Supremely Glorified) and Dajjaal is imperfect and weak. He is a liar and limited.
1. The Dajjāl is One-Eyed:
The prophet ﷺ said,
“Allah is certainly not one-eyed, but the Dajjāl Messiah is one-eyed – his right eye – as if his eye is a floating grape”. (Bukhari & Muslim)
“And the Dajjāl has one eye partially covered by a thick eyelid”. (Muslim, Ahmad & Abu Dawood)
These are descriptions of deficiency, and the true Lord, Allah, is only described with the highest, most perfect and complete descriptions as Allah says:
“And to him belongs the highest description in the heavens and earth”. (Surah al-Rum, 30:27)
“For those who do not believe in the hereafter is the description of evil, but for Allah is the highest description. And he is the Mighty, the Wise”. (Surah al-Naḥl, 16:60)
If the Dajjāl were truly the Lord, he could easily remove his defective features and his disgusting attributes.
2. Written Between the Dajjāl’s Eyes is: كافر (kāfir – “Disbeliever”):
The hadeeth has been stated multiple times in this course. If the Dajjāl were truly the Lord, he could remove this distinctive sign of his deceit and lies.
3. People Will See the Dajjāl in This Life
Allah’s messenger ﷺ clearly informed us that no one will see his Lord until he dies. So when people see the Dajjāl in this life, this is a clear sign he is not their Lord. The Prophet ﷺ makes this point when he said about the Dajjal, he ﷺ said, “Written between his two eyes is: كافر (kāfir – “disbeliever”). Whoever hates his actions will be able to read it, or every believer will be able to read it. Know that not a single one among you will ever see his Lord until he dies. (Sahih Muslim)
4. The Dajjāl’s Weakness and Inability:
The Dajjal will be unable to do many things. For example, it has come in the ḥadīth that he will only overpower and kill a single person. Furthermore, when he tries to kill him a second time, he will be unable to do so.
Allah says about himself: “Certainly, Allah has power over all things”. (Sūrah al-Baqarah, 2:20)
The Dajjaal will have other weakness as well, such as his inability to resurrect the dead when he claims he is giving life to a Bedouin’s deceased parents. Instead, as the Prophet ﷺ said: “…Two devils will then take the appearance of his father and mother and say to him…”
In contrast, it is well-known from the Quran that: “It is Allah who gives life and death”. (Surah Ali ‘Imran, 3:156)
Similarly, the Dajjāl will be unable to enter Mecca and Medina. The Dajjāl himself admitted this inability of entering Makkah & Madinah in the ḥadīth of Tamīm al-Dārī that we had discussed earlier.
5. The Dajjāl’s Lack of Knowledge
In the same ḥadeeth of Tamīm al-Dārī R.A. in which he and his companions actually met the Dajjāl, the False Messiah asked them who they were and about the date trees of Baysān, Lake Tiberius, the spring of Zughar, and about the messenger of Allah.
Allah, the true Lord, is free of any needs and he knows everything. “And know that Allah is the knower of all things”. (Sūrah al-Baqarah, 2:231)
6. The Dajjāl Only Gives to His Supporters
Allah S.W.T. is generous and merciful to all people in this life. He provides from this life as he wishes to both believers and disbelievers in him, to those he loves and those he does not love.
Those who wish to learn most about Allah, to learn more about His, Rights, what Allah loves in us and what He dislikes, His promises & ways yo get closer to Him. Please join our free online certificate course “RELATION WITH ALLAH”. (available online now, register and learn).
Note this is not part of the ongoing course, it is an independent course that can be done at your own pace and at your own convenience.
The Death of the Dajjaal
The Prophet ﷺ said, “The son of Mary (Jesus) will kill the Dajjāl at the gate of Lod”. (Tirmidhi; classed as authentic by Albani)
In the long ḥadīth narrated by Abū Umāmah al-Bāhilī R.A. collected by Ibn Mājah, al-Ḥākim, and others, Jesus, the son of Mary, will come to people praying the morning prayer near Jerusalem and join them. After the prayer:
“Jesus A.S. will say, “Open the gate.” It will be opened and behind it will be the Dajjāl along with seventy thousand Jews, each of them with an embellished sword and (wearing) a shawl. When the Dajjāl sees him, he will begin to dissolve like salt dissolves in water, and will turn and flee. Jesus (A.S.) will tell him, “I have a single strike for you from which you will be unable to escape.” He will meet him (the Dajjāl) at the eastern gate of Lod and kill him”.(Ibn Mājah, al-Ḥākim, Ibn Khuzaymah and others; authenticated by al-Albani)
When he (may Allah curse him) is killed, his great fitnah will come to an end. Allah will save those who believed from his evil and from the evil of his followers, at the hands of the Spirit and Word of Allah, ‘Isa ibn Maryam (peace be upon him) and his believing followers. Praise and blessings be to Allah.
Other Fitnahs the Prophet ﷺ warned against along with Ad Dajjaal
The Trials of the Grave
Allah’s messenger ﷺ said, “There is nothing I have not seen except that I was shown it right here, even Paradise and the fire. And it has been revealed to me that you will all be put to trial in your graves similar to the tribulation of the Dajjāl Messiah. Each of you will be asked, “What do you know of this man?” As for a believer or one with certain knowledge (Hishām, one of the narrators was not sure which word was used), he will answer, “He is the messenger of Allah, he is Muhammad ﷺ. He came to us with clear teachings and guidance, so we believed (in him), responded (to his call), followed (him), and considered him to be true.” He will then be told, “Sleep peacefully. We already knew you would believe in him.”
As for a hypocrite or a doubter (Hishām was unsure), he too will be asked, “What do you know of this man?” but he will say, “I do not know. I only heard people saying something (about him) so I said it too.” (al-Bukhārī, Muslim, and Aḥmad)
The Prophet ﷺ joined the seeking of protection from the grave and the Dajjāl in many ḥadīth. For example, he ﷺ said: “Seek protection with Allah from the punishment of Allah. Seek protection with Allah from the punishment of the grave. Seek protection with Allah from the tribulation of the Dajjāl Messiah. Seek protection with Allah from the tribulations of life and death”. (Muslim and al-Nasāī).
We read the duas about seeking protection from Dajjaal and the grave in the previous class.
Those who wish to learn more about Qayamah and its sings, please join our free online certificate course “THE GRAVE”, to learn in detail about to learn more about Journey of the Soul, the Questions in the Grave, Life in Barzakh and our relation with them. (available online now, register and learn).
Note this is not part of the ongoing course, it is an independent course that can be done at your own pace and at your own convenience.
Misguided Leaders
Abū Dharr R.A. reported that the Prophet ﷺ said, “There is something other than the Dajjāl I fear more for my nation”. Abū Dharr R.A. then asked him, “Messenger of Allah, what is more fearful for your nation than the Dajjāl?” He ﷺ answered:“Misguided, misguiding leaders”. (Ahmad; classes as authentic by Albani)
al-Munāwī says, explaining this narration:
Ibn al-‘Arabī says: This still does not contradict the narrations which state that there is no greater tribulation than that of the Dajjāl. The prophet made this statement here (about misguided leaders) to his companions because what he feared more for them (specifically) is something closer to them than the (appearance of) the Dajjāl. Something that is certain to occur sooner is more feared than something that is to occur later, even though the latter may be more severe.
May Allah protect us all from the Fitnah of Dajjaal, the real Fitnah when he appears and also the fitnahs that come along with all his followers an the devils. May Allah give us the Hidayah to learn and practice what we learn.
JazakAllah Khair.
Do not have to memorize the Ayahs & ahadeeth word for word but get a good understanding about what it means and the message in it.
Remember the Fitnahs.
Please do this assignment before taking the test, there will be a question asked about the Assignment worth 10 marks in the test: -
I. Invite atleast 15 people to the course (can invite via WhatsApp, Facebook, Email, telegram or word of mouth) 3 Marks. (check the note below for exceptions)
Those who have already invited whether on Whatsapp, Email or FB, do not need to invite again.
It does not matter, whether people join or not, our job is to invite.
II. Talk to 5 people (friends or family) about any three topics from the course - (5 Marks)
III. Make Dua for the Muslims that are being oppressed around the world and also for those who are not to get their acts right and start helping the Ummah. (2 Marks)
Please take this assignment as a motivation to start talking about Islam and make it part of your regular day (even if you do not know too much, spread the little that you know, as the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said “Convey from me, even if it is one verse”, most of us are too shy to talk about Islam but are ok to talk about anything under the sky.
May Allah make us all amongst those who call others to good by spreading the Deen of Allah and help us in this noble path.
If you benefit from courses by LEARN ISLAM and want to support us, please do so by buying the book FORGOTTEN SUNNAHS written by Abu Sahl Al Ansari (the founder and admin of LEARN ISLAM).