Class 5
Did you know, there are over 1000 Sunnahs that can be followed in one day & night, these are Sunnahs that there is no difference of opinion amongst the scholars about, every one agrees to them being Sunnah and so SubhaanAllah, as we have been saying over and over in this course, if we just follow the Sunnahs that are all agreed upon we wouldn’t have time for any innovations.
In today’s class we will enlist and study the Forgotten Sunnahs that could be and should be applied in our daily lives.
A known Sunnah of waking up, would be the Dua after waking up (Alhamdulillahilazzi ba’dama amatanaa wa ilaihin nashoor), but probably that too is not commonly practised, as the first common thing everyone does these days is to look for our mobiles and then get distracted. We list below 5 forgotten Sunnahs to be done after waking up and one which if we wake up in the middle of the night.
Wipe the effects of sleep from the face with your hands. When the Messenger of Allah (woke up, he would sit up and rub away the effects of sleep from his face with his hand. (Sahih Bukhari)
Use a SIwaak. When the Prophet ﷺ woke up from the night (sleep), he used to clean his mouth with a Siwaak. (Sahih Bukhari)
Snuff water. When one of you wakes up from sleep, then snuff water three times. For indeed, Shaytaan spends the night in the upper part of the nose. (Bukhari & Muslim)
Wash both hands three times When one of you wakes up from sleep, he must not dip his hand into a utensil until he washes it three times. (Bukhari & Muslim)
Reciting Last ten Ayaat of Surah Aal Imran. (Bukhari & Muslim)
If some one wakes up in the middle of the night
The Prophet ﷺ said : ‘Whoever awakes at night and then says (the below dua) and then asks for forgiveness (Rabbigh Fir Lee) will be forgiven or supplicates, he will be answered’. (Bukhari & Abu Dawood)
لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّهُ وَحْـدَهُ لا شَـريكَ له، لهُ المُلـكُ ولهُ الحَمـد، وهوَ على كلّ شيءٍ قدير، سُـبْحانَ اللهِ، والحمْـدُ لله ، ولا إلهَ إلاّ اللهُ واللهُ أكبَر، وَلا حَولَ وَلا قوّة إلاّ باللّهِ العليّ العظيم.
‘None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone without associate, to Him belongs sovereignty and praise and He is over all things wholly capable. How perfect Allah is, and all praise is for Allah, and none has the right to be worshipped except Allah, Allah is the greatest and there is no power nor might except with Allah, The Most High, The Supreme.
Again, because of the fitna of the smart phones, almost all of the sunnahs that are known are also abandoned by the Ummah, most of us fall asleep with the smart phones in our hands, with no track of what we see last before we sleep, where infact we are taught to be in wudoo, recite duas & Ayat Al Kursi before sleeping so that Angels help fight shaitan but instead we are seeing things that we shouldn’t be and then complain about not getting peaceful sleep.
From the Sunnahs of going to sleep, are:
1. Say the supplication for going to sleep
Both of these are found in different authentic narrations, so a Muslim is expected to read one Dua for some days and the other for the next few days so that the Sunnah is not lost InshaAllah.
2. Recite the Mu‘awwidhaat (Surahs Ikhlaas, Falaq & Naas) and wipe the body:
‘When retiring to his bed every night, the Prophet ﷺ would hold his palms together, spit (A form of spitting comprising mainly of air with little spittle) in them, recite the last three chapters (Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, An-Nas) of the Quran and then wipe over his entire body as much as possible with his hands, beginning with his head and face and then all parts of the body, he would do this three times.’ (Sahih Bukhari)
3. Recite the Last two Ayahs of Baqarah (Sahih Bukhari)
4. Recite the Ayat Al Kursi (Sahih Bukhari)
5. Saying Subhan Allah, al-hamdulillah, Allahu akbar
“When you go to sleep, glorify Allah (by saying Subhan Allah) thirty-three times, praise Allah (by saying Al-hamdu Lillah) thirty-three times, and magnify Him (by saying Allahu akbar) thirty-four times.”. (Bukhari and Muslim).
There are many other supplications and Adhkaar that can be said at the time of going to sleep like reciting Surah Mulk etc,
Click here to read all the authentic narrations about what to recite before going to sleep.
6. Recite Surah Mulk. Whoever reads it will every night will be protected from the torment of the grave (An Nasaa’I; Hasan) and also it will intercede for us (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah & Abu Dawood)
7. Be in a state of Wudoo (Bukhari & Muslim).
8. Sleep on our right side & place the right hand under the right cheek. (Sahih Bukhari)
9. Dust the bed. (Bukhari & Muslim)
Forgotten Sunnahs related to Eating
Saying Bismillah at the start, if we forget to do so then saying Bismillaahi fee awwalihi wa aakhirihi – In the name of Allah at the beginning and at the end. (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood & Ibn Majah; classed as Sahih)
Eating with three fingers and licking them after finishing. (Sahih Muslim)
Passing drink or other edible from the right. (Bukhari & Muslim)
Eating together. “Eat your food collectively, mention the Name of Allah upon it, then there will be blessings for you in it”. (Abu Dawood; classed as Hasan)
Rinsing the mouth after driking milk or after eating anything that has fatty residue (Bukhari & Muslim)
Praising Allah after eating.
Sunnah Prayers
There are many optional prayers that the Prophet ﷺ used to offer throughout the day & night.
Prophet ﷺ said: The first of his deeds for which a person will be brought to account on the Day of Resurrection will be his prayer. If it is good, then he will have succeeded and prospered, but if it is lacking, then he will have lost and failed.
If anything is lacking from his obligatory prayer, Allah, will say: Look and see, does My slave have any voluntary prayers, which could make up for what is lacking from his obligatory prayer? Then all of his deeds will be dealt with in a similar manner. (at-Tirmidhi, classed as Sahih)
He ﷺ also said, “Make a lot of sajdah (i.e. make a lot of prayer) because for every time you make a prostration to Allāh, your rank is raised and your sin is forgiven.” [Muslim]
12 Rawatib Prayer
The Prophet ﷺ said:
"Allaah will build a house in Heaven for whoever is diligent in observing 12 Sunnah Rak'aat (as follows):
4 Rak'aat before and 2 after the Dhuhr (Midday) Prayer, 2 after the Maghrib (Sunset Prayer), 2 after the Ishaa (Evening) Prayer and 2 before the Fajr (Dawn) Prayer."
(Tirmidhi, classed as Sahih).
If we think about it, most of us who are consistent in our obligatory prayers, also offer the two rak’aat of sunnah for Fajr, Dhuhr, Maghrib and Isha more often than not. So it is usually the four rak’aat before Dhuhr that is neglected.
Narrated Aisha R.A., the Prophet ﷺ never missed four rak`at before the Zuhr prayer and two rak`at before the Fajr prayer. (Sahih Bukhari)
Think about it – just four extra rak’aat, in addition to the sunnah prayers that many of us already offer, and Allah will build a house for us in Jannah! How much easier can the glorious Deen of Allâh be?
Qiyaam Al Layl & Witr
My Dear Brothers & Sisters in Islam! The situation of Muslims today necessitates the talk about the most important act of worship in Islaam which is Salaah (prayer). The Messenger of Allaah ﷺ resorted to it whenever he became distressed about an issue. Prayer is the water spring that never dries and the treasure that never ends.
O My Brothers & Sisters in faith! Night prayers strengthen the bond between us and our Lord. Qiyaam al-layl is Sunnah mu’akkadah. Qiyaam al-layl plays a great role in strengthening one's faith and helping one to do good deeds.
The Prophet never neglected it, he ﷺ even prayed Witr when travelling.
‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah ﷺ said: “O people of the Qur’aan, pray Witr, for Allaah is One and loves that which is odd-numbered.” (Abu Dawood; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani).
There are many variations of Witr prayer proven from Authentic Ahadeeth, like offering 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 Rakah prayers. Click here to read detail about the timings, variations and various sunnahs related to Witr prayer.
The Prophet ﷺ said: “In a human (body) there are 360 joints and man must make a charity for each one.” The people said: “Who can do that, O Messenger of Allâh?” He ﷺ responded: “One may cover the mucus that one finds in the mosque or remove something harmful from the road. If one could not do that, he could pray two rak’at of duha and that will be sufficient for him.” (Ahmad & Abu Dawood; classed as Sahih by Albani)
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allâh be pleased with him) said: “My close friend [the Prophet ﷺ] advised me to do three things which I will never give up until I die: fasting three days each month, praying Duha, and sleeping after praying Witr.” (Bukhari & Muslim)
The time for Duha prayer is from fifteen or twenty minutes after sunrise, until just before the sun passes its zenith, i.e. ten to fifteen minutes before it reaches the zenith, i.e. before the time when it is forbidden to pray begins.
The Prophet ﷺ said: “It is preferable to offer Duha prayer when the sun’s heat has become so intense that even the young of the camels feel it.” (Sahih Muslim)
Number of Rakahs minimum 2, maximum no limit as long as it is prayed in units of 2 Rakah prayers.
Making up Sunnah Prayers
The Prophet ﷺ emphasized the importance of Sunnah prayers by making up a Sunnah prayer when he had missed it.
The Prophet ﷺ made up the Sunnah of Zuhr after praying ‘Asr. Narrated by al-Bukhaari & Muslim.
Please join our free online certificate course “SUNNAHS PRAYERS”, to learn more about all the Sunnah Prayers, their virtues, timings and rulings. (available online now, register and learn).
Note these are not part of the ongoing course, it is an independent course that can be done at your own pace and at your own convenience.
The Prayer of Istikhaara for any and every matter
The Prophet ﷺ used to teach us the way of doing Istikhara (it is to ask Allah to guide one to the right sort of action concerning any job or a deed), in all matters as he taught us the Suras of the Quran.
Istikhara in simple term means to seek the help of Allah in ANY matter. Whenever one wants to undertake a decision or a matter or anything regarding his life whether it be an important matter or a casual matter, he can (should) pray two raka’ats nawafil prayer and supplicate the dua of istikhara after it to seek the help of Allah in his matter/decision.
Istikhara cannot be done for haraam or disliked matters in Islam (working in a bank operating on interest, going to a club, having illegal sexual intercourse and etc). Istikhara is only and only allowed for matters which are mubah (allowed) or mustahab (recommended) in Islam concerning either an individual’s personal life (property etc) or religious life (marriage, help in Islamic issues).
A Sahaabi said, The Prophet ﷺused to command us to go barefooted sometimes. (Abu Daawud; Sheikh Al-Albaani has authenticated it).
Note: This does not mean one is to walk on coals and glasses bare feet like shia’as do. Rather this sunnah is to be followed without hurting ourselves.
Narrated Ka`b: Whenever the Prophet ﷺ returned from a journey in the forenoon, he would enter the Mosque and offer two rak`at before sitting. (Sahih Bukhari)
Narrated Jabir: Once I returned from a journey and the Prophet ﷺ said to me “Offer two rak`at.“ (Sahih Bukhari)
Abu Al-Malih narrated that a man said: “I was riding behind the Prophet ﷺ and his mount stumbled. I said: “May the Shaytan perish! The Prophet ﷺ said: “ Do not say” May the Shaytan perish,” because when you say that he swells up so much that he becomes like a house and says,” By my power.” Rather say say: Bismillah (In the name of Allah), “for if you say that the Shaytan shrinks until he becomes like a fly.” (Abu Dawud & Ahmed)
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: When we ascended (a height) we would proclaim: “Allahu Akbar (Allah is Greatest),” and when we descended (from the height) we would proclaim: “Subhan Allah (Allah is free from imperfection).”’ [Al-Bukhari].
Scholars say this should be done while ascending or descending a hill or a mountain. Now a days we have roads that ascend and descent quite a few hills in our cities, we can apply this Sunnah while driving or walking up and down that road.
Alhamdulillah the Prophet ﷺ has left us with adhkaar/duas for almost all actions of our daily lives from waking up to going to sleep at night and everything in between. Like there are Duas to recite when we wear clothes and for new clothes, for going to the toilet and coming out of it, for going out of the house to coming back into it. If we recite these Duas all these regular actions can become a great source of rewards and blessings.
The importance of Dhikr can be seen by the hadeeth where the Prophet ﷺ said: “There is no time in which the son of Aadam does not remember AIIaah in it, except that it will be a source of regret for him on the Day of Judgement” (Bayhaqi, authenticated by Shaykh al-Albaani)
The Prophet ﷺ said: “The people of Paradise will not have any regrets except for those moments in which they were not engaged in the dhikr (remembrance) of Allaah.” [Saheeh: Related by lbnus-Sunnee in ‘Aml al-Yawma wal-Laylah).
Next week we will study about the Forgotten Sunnahs related to Family, Society, One’s Health and other General Sunnahs.
All the best for Tomorrow’s test!
Do not have to memorise the ayahs or hadeeths word for word and their references, but remember their meanings and the msg being given.
Memorise the Duas of eating, drinking, sleeping & waking up.
Memorise the Ayat Al Kursi & the last two ayahs of Surah Baqarah
Remember the Sunnahs but more importantly please try and implement as many as possible.
There will be an Assignment Question asked in the Test. Marks will be given based on the following: -
Invite atleast 15 people to the course (can invite via WhatsApp, Facebook, Email, telegram or word of mouth) 3 Marks. (check the note below for exceptions)
Those who have already invited whether on Whatsapp, Email or FB, do not need to invite again.
It does not matter, whether people join or not, our job is to invite.
Implement any 5 of the Sunnahs covered from week 1. (5 Marks)
Talk about any 5 Sunnahs covered in this week’s classes with atleast 3 people. 5 Marks.
Pray for the Ummah, pray for the ease of all the poor & oppressed Muslims and pray that Allah make us all strong in imaan and give us the hidayah to work for the aakhirah and to help each other. Pray for this applying any three Sunnahs from class 4. - 2 Marks
Pls read our FAQs to get the details and to know how we go about things if U have any further Qs pls feel free to ask...
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Happy Learning... JazakAllah Khair...
As Salam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh :)
If you benefit from courses by LEARN ISLAM and want to support us, please do so by buying the book FORGOTTEN SUNNAHS written by Abu Sahl Al Ansari (the founder and admin of LEARN ISLAM).